Athens vs. Sparta DBQ Athens and Sparta were two of the world's greatest ancient civilizations. Though they were both city-states in Greece they had their differences. Some of the largest contrasts were education, government, and the roles girls and women played in their societies. In Sparta the schools for children were very harsh and military based.
The geography of Athens was more favorable than that of any other Greek city-state. Athens was the largest of the Greek city-states and had the most fertile land. It was also situated near the Aegean Sea, so it was great for long-distance trading. Government of Arcania Arcania was born right after the Peloponnesian War in Sparta.
Greece vs. Persia An advanced civilization shows further development in skill, knowledge, and complexity. One of those advanced civilizations was Persia. By ruling with wisdom and complexity, The Persians were able to establish a military run empire that lasted for 200 years. With the help of the kings, Cyrus, Cambyses, and Darius, in 500 BC, the empire expanded over 2,500 miles from Egypt and Anatolia in the west all the way to part of India in the east.
Their rocky and mountainous terrain, while not helping them like the Nile or the Tigris and Euphrates did for their nations, influenced several important aspects of their lives. One effect the geography of ancient Greece had on its inhabitants was the inability to grow much of anything. Because of their rough landscape and lack of fertile soil, ancient Greeks could not consider farming a major part of their economy, which set them apart from most of the cultures that came before them. This also meant that the few plants that did grow well in Greece were very important to the Greeks. As mentioned in Document 4, one such plant was the olive tree.
Democracy, a noun that means the society is governed by the people, a system of voting, and majority rules. In ancient Greece, demokratia, otherwise known as democracy can be battered down into demo, and kratia. Demo, meaning the people, and kratia meaning the power or rule. Together it means rule by the people. The purpose of this essay is to prove that ancient Greece wasn’t truly democratic.
In conclusion, the Ancient Greeks have influenced modern American culture in a multitude of ways. The influence of language, architecture, and theater are just three ways that show the influence that the Greeks have on us today. It is important to learn of the impacts that the Greeks have had on us today, so that you may better understand how different things came to be as you can see through examples on language, architecture, and
Basically, it’s imperative to point out the fact that the roots of Western civilization can be traced back to Mediterranean classical ancient times, as well as other parts of European predominantly occupied by the Greek. In this regard, the geography of Greece played an important role in the development of the Greek Civilization, for instance, “HIST 101 Western Civilization I.” (n.d) states, “Greece is an extremely mountainous, peninsula almost completely surrounded by water. It includes both a mainland and some 1400 outlying islands in the Mediterranean Sea.”
Along with the differences of lifestyles, Sparta and Athens also differed in their cultures. Athens is known for a very political culture. Athens is credited for contributing to modern day democracy. Athens was a society that had many different systems of democracy. Because there are different species of justice systems, there will be a difference in way that system works (
This mountain range held banquets and were entertained by music. The entrance to this mountain was a great gate of clouds held by the season. So overall this was one of the positive effects on Ancient Greece. Geography of Greece greatly influenced culture. With few natural resources and being surrounded by water , people then took to the sea for living.
Ancient Greece was devided in two periods: Hellenistic and Classical Greece. The Hellenistic period covers the time of ancient Greek (Hellenic) history and Mediterranean history between the passing of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the rise of the Roman Empire as connoted by the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and the consequent triumph of Ptolemaic Egypt the next year. Classical Greece was a time of around 200 years ( 5th and 4th centuries BC) in Greek culture. This Classical period saw the addition of quite a bit of cutting edge Greece by the Persian Empire and its resulting autonomy. Classical Greece affected the Roman Empire and on the establishments of western human advancement.
A lot of time and money was spent building temples for their sacred gods. Temples in Ancient Greek society can be considered a major impact on society. The temples were a place of sacrifices and religious ceremonies. Somebody had to build the temples, and this created jobs for the citizens of Greece. It wasn’t a very stable job, but it was honorable to be trusted to build the sacred temples where the gods would reside.
Furthermore, Ancient Greece's geography can affect Ancient Greek civilization in positive and negative ways. The next time you see a geographic feature, think of what positive and negative effects it has on the land you are
Ancient Greeks partook in a society whose traditions and culture have contributed greatly to the western world. Some examples of the Greek customs that impacted the world are sports, art and architecture, and philosophy. These three examples have been reflected in various ways throughout the history and are even still relevant today. The ancient Greeks were very athletic; and they valued strength and perseverance.
The Mountains, the River, the Seas, and all the other geographic feature that have impacted China and Greece helped shape their economy. China was greatly influenced by The Yellow River and The Himalaya Mountains, they both had positive and negative influences on China. Greece was also influenced by the Mountains, but they were also influenced by the Seas. The most important Sea that impacted them was the Mediterranean Sea. It helped the greeks get the resources they needed and helped them spread their culture.
Well, to be quite frank; I knew little about ancient Greece and Rome before embarking on this course. I’ve heard and read stories in the past and when I was in college but it’s nothing to what I have learnt so fare in this course and the previous. I am very pleased by the wealth of knowledge I have received of ancient Greece and the Romans. I now understand were we got our classical influences from, which has been copied and adapted in the 21 century.