Decisions In Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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In life, you will have a time where you must make a hard choice, one that could impact your life significantly. Once settling with the right decision you instantly get hit by regret and anxiety, questioning yourself if you choose the right decision or not. Emotions cause negative outcomes, affect people's lives. In the novel Lord Of The Flies, Roger had the decision to kill piggy. He has the chance to kill piggy, so he did. Roger changed and lost all of what he has learned from when he was back in the civilization. Also from the novel Lord Of The Flies, Jack made a decision to leave Ralph's group and create his own. The power that Ralph has, caused Jack to leave the group. Romeo and Juliet also had a difficult decision when it caused Tybalt's …show more content…

The reason why Jack left Ralphs, group, was that Jack did not like how Ralph had all the power to himself, he felt like he cannot make his own decisions to impact the group. Jack feels that he could become a much better leader, so he decided to leave the group to create his own. Jack feels like he is being ambushed by those in the group, so he left the group which caused a negative impact on Ralph and his tribe members. As Jack shows in the chapter “Gift from the Darkness” that he stormed into the forest after he was declined by the children in the group, he was trying to take over the role of chief. As he ran way he stated to the children “anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too”, he knows that his friends, the choir will join later on. After Jack left the tribe he made the decision to kill a mother pig, his desire to hunt and kill caused him to kill the mother pig. At the beginning of the book, Jack had the chance to …show more content…

Rogers urge to hurt and kill made piggy get killed. Earlier in the novel, Roger wanted to test the boundaries by attempting to bully one of the boys in the chapter “Painted Faces and Long Hair”. In that chapter Roger stalked Henry, one of the boys on the island, he followed him down the beach and waited and made sure nobody was watching, he prepares to throw a pebble but misses because he was held back by the “old life, hurting people were prohibited, Roger still recognized the boundaries placed by his parents, school, police and the law” (pg 62). At that time Roger was still civilized, he still followed the rules. After a while on the island Roger had the decision to kill piggy and he took the chance, at that point Roger lost all of his old habits. When Piggy died at Castle Rock the novel states, “Roger with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever” (180). Roger had the choice to not push the boulder but his urge to hurt and kill made him push the lever to kill Piggy. He has became as savage as Jack has, he also does this to show how powerful their tribe is. Roger leaned all his weight on a huge rock and caused the rock to fall which smashed Piggy. Roger also disliked Piggy, Roger said “Piggy is different compared to the rest” him being different made Roger dislike him, which led to Roger killing Piggy. The hate that Roger had for Piggy caused Piggy's death. In Romeo and