One of those words that is commonly misinterpreted, especially in today's society. In today's society, we believe that happiness is reaching your final destination without any bumps in the road, or being rich and getting everything you want. This is simply not the case; happiness is a person’s satisfaction with life on a day-to-day basis regardless of circumstances. Happiness is being happy with your daily routine and getting up everyday excited to start your day. The most common leading cause for human beings to lose their sense of real happiness is the overuse of technology.
No doubt, happiness is not having all the money or everything we want. If we had everything we could ever want "it would only be a matter of time before your expectations change.." (Acacia Parks). What makes us happy, is the work we put in not what we are given, but the journey. In other words, Defining happiness is hard, because there is not a true definition of happiness.
Happiness is an emotion, which makes it subjective, so it is difficult to have a definite meaning for the word. Is happiness just the absence of a negative feeling or is it the feeling of fulfillment and joy? Depending on the person, the answer varies and different activities make different types of people happy. Furthermore, each individual is willing to sacrifice certain materials to bring them joy. Nevertheless, in general, as a society, people sacrifice certain things, like money and time, in order to “make them happy.”
Lastly, I believe the last key to happiness if to look at everything in the most possible way. If you look at everything negative then you will never be truly happy and you won’t have very many people who wants to be around a Debby Downer. Being happy is a choice, as Abraham Lincoln said,” Most folks are happy as they make up their mind to be” you have every right to be happy, its just up to you to make it
The Websters Dictionary portrays or defines happiness as a state of content,satisfaction or euphoria. Happiness is something that cannot be forced or simulated and it is more that just a simple feeling or emotion. It is more than just a noun used in the vocabulary of the average third grade child. Happiness is an undescribable sentiment that anything can experience depending on that specific thing. It is natural and one of a kind.
Americans think that is always a bad thing to feel sadness and that not true. How can a person tell if someone else is happy? Is it how much money they have, or how much they smile in a day? In “Happiness and Its Discontents,” author Leonard J. Rosen and Laurence Behrens observe that “humankind has debated definitions of happiness for thousands of years, and still a single, acceptable definition eludes us” (523). There’s not one definition of happiness, there are many different kinds.
Happiness could be defined as a mental or emotional state where we as human beings express intense joy or pleasant emotions. If this definition is considered as the universal definition for happiness, it does not say anything about a range of age to be happier. So, there are many reasons to say that young people does not enjoy more life than older people do. First of all, the age is not the most important thing concerning this topic.
Happiness Unlike fear, which is a momentary emotion, happiness an enduring mood state. It is quite difficult to measure because simply asking people to report on how happy they are will not give a fair overall average of SWB (subjective well-being). This is because people tend to take certain types of emotion into account more than others; this is usually the peak and the end of a situation or event. Another flaw with measuring happiness is that it depends heavily on what mood the person may be in when questioned.
Happiness is an affair that we know happens when there are sure levels of various chemicals in our brains. These chemicals trigger a reaction some place in our sensory system, and we feel what we call "cheerful." However, that still doesn't answer us. Regardless of the fact that there's doubtlessly that is the thing that happens, that still doesn't let us know why those chemicals are discharged or those signs are sent. "happiness" is only a word.
What is happiness, how to be happy, am I happy, to be happy I need ... Many of these questions and requests can be found via web. The question I found is Do the answers about happiness work to you? If not, why not?
What happiness is? “Are you happy?” is the question I used to ask my friends and colleges What announced me is that no matter what answer people gave at last, almost all of them looked puzzling and been offended at first time. It seems that for most people do not know what happiness is, or they cannot express what they feel the happiness is. Urban happiness is a concept which can be defined through the observation both of many tangible and intangible aspects of a place and the activities carried out by the people who live and use it.
Happiness has a broad meaning. One may consider it to be having money, love, or even just enjoying the little things in life. There is no real definition for happiness because it all depends on a person 's perspective of life. Happiness is more about the way you think and act rather than a material possession. It is not something that has a physical form, or that is worth something valuable, yet everybody seeks it.
well, it’s just feeling goodenjoying life and wanting the feeling to be maintained” (Schoch). It is strived for in relationships, in successful endeavors or actions, or in taking up particular hobbies. Happiness is an amazing thing and makes one feel great, but can too much happiness be a bad thing? Too much happiness is a surprising statement, but is nonetheless true, because too much happiness can have negative impacts on one's life. Negative emotions, despite the fact that they are less coveted than the positive emotions, serve just as vital a role in terms of giving perspective, creating arguments, and preventing unnecessary risk.
How does someone know if they are truly happy? Much of society have come to associate happiness with the pursuits of personal pleasures or that which makes us “feels good”. When we feel good we display positive expression of emotions such as joy, laughter, kindness and fewer negative emotions such as anger, hate, and sadness. To some people our happiness is already determined through our genes. Some people seek happiness through money and material possessions.
Happiness can be defined in many different ways depending on who you are talking to. To me, it can be found listening to my favorite music with the volume turned all the way up. Through this experience I am able to immerse myself in something I truly love and be a be a better, lighter version of myself. For some, happiness is living in the moment and experiencing life as it passes, but for others it means living a life of virtue. Though happiness may look different for everyone, it is something that everyone is striving for.