It doesn't matter if you rich or poor, this was the key into making a perfect world. The puritans were surviving, comparing this to the pilgrims in Doc 6 Captain John Smith wrote the colonists were barely surviving in the Virginia colonies “Our ordinary food was but meal and water so that this little relieved our wants, whereby with the extremity of the bitter cold frost…more than half of us died”. Gold was a very huge factor into why these people came to the new world,but they could not find gold because the landed and settled on a swamp biome. The search for gold and becoming rich consumed these people, which turned this colony into a nightmare.
Trust is not easily given. You have to prove why you should be trusted. In the novels Aliens on Vacation by Clete Barret Smith, Mr. Harnox has to convince Scrub to trust him to play in the basketball game against Tyler and his friends. However in Marcos Millions by William Sleator, the creatures have to convince Marco to trust them with his little sister, Lily. Although Aliens on Vacation and Marcos Millions have similar settings, they have different conflicts and themes.
We all know many people in the world, some of who we trust, other who we don’t. However, for the people we do trust, it is imperative that they trust us as well, as otherwise, we cannot truly trust them. We can make other trust us not only by trusting them, but by being loyal to them. Similarly, in my book, Book Thief by Markus Suzak, the author uses exposition to not only introduce the readers to the characters, but also develop the theme of the story which is during the duality of change, it’s important to stay loyal to those you trust.
Likewise in my own experience when I become friends with someone over a long period of time. I really learn to truly trust them and feel able to rely on my friends. Communication is also a
Trust is very important in relationships. It is the basis for relationships. It influences what you think about others. When just beginning a relationship there is a lot of initial trust. In The Great Gatsby the beginning tells of Gatsby, and how he is shrouded in mystery and gossip.
For example if a leader keeps failing at protecting their people then they might lose trust in them, people also lose trust when they get lied to.. An example of Odysseus’ men trusting him is in book ten when he asks a few of them to explore the land of the Laestrygones to see what type of people live there, ¨So I sent two of my company with an attendant to find out what sort of people the inhabitants were.¨ (Homer par. 8). This is an example of trust because Odysseus is trusting them that they will tell the truth and not run off with whoever lives off that
This is also true with myself, certain situations can change the way a person trusts. To me, trusting someone means that I can tell them anything, whether it is something really good or really bad. Trusting someone mean that I can always count on that person. That person is always there and willing to help. They will keep all of my secrets.
In my opinion “greed” has a big part in this process. Greed is the overwhelming desire to obtain something you don’t really need, but been taught to feel that you do. Living a healthy life with sufficient resources to provide for yourself and your family shouldn’t be considered a privilege; every human being on this planet should automatically be afforded that
One study revealed that money was an essential need for happiness, but it was not what made the people happy. They established satisfaction in close relationships with loved ones, community work, fulfillment and pride from their work and accomplishments (Diener and Biswas-Diener 162). The highest life satisfaction was found in societies of wealthy nation while the unhappiest nations were the extremely poor ones. When it comes to materialism, it does not matter if someone is rich or poor, all that matters is that “your income is sufficient to your desire,” and that “differences in aspirations lead to very different amounts of happiness” (Diener and Biswas-Diener 170).
The main factor of wealth that causes trouble is the inability to create a better life. Most want success
Trust is what makes the world go round. Without trust, people wouldn’t know how to live. Sometimes trust can cause a person’s downfall. In Macbeth, trust fools plenty of citizens in Scotland. Although some people may become skeptical too quickly, people should be careful who they trust because people can have bad intentions and betray each other no matter what.
As the human race continues to evolve there has been one common theme that stays the same. Humans are driven by money and power. It is just the nature of humans. We tend to thrive off of the thrill of having materialistic objects and control of others. In the Shakespearean tragedy King Lear it portrays two fathers who put too much blind trust into their kids.
I am a firm believer that every event – both positive and negative – happens for a reason. However, I will often allow my relationship with others affect my relationship with God. If I cannot trust those closest to me, how am I supposed to expect the same of
you promise?” (Mafi 234). Having trust for someone is showing love for that someone. If there was not trust, how could anyone love someone. James and Adam trust each other and it strengthens their love for each other.
Integrity is a term used to describe a person 's level of honesty, moral commitments, and willingness to do what 's right. Choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy, and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them. Given the real definition of integrity, we recognize that it is actually extremely difficult to be in integrity 100% of the time. We aspire to be in integrity with what we believe but sometimes, we mess up. Sometimes, our emotions get the best of us and we are unable to manage our behavior and actions.