Medium Of Communication Essay

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SEMESTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION TOPIC: STRUCTUTRE OF COMMUNICATION PROCESS SUBMITTED BY: HAFSA SHAHZAD SUBMITTED TO: MISS AMNA WAHEED DATE : 8,SEP,2016 Q)Select medium of communication and analyze that according to communication process? COMMUNICATION: The transformation of ideas from sender to receiver is called communication. Communication is derived from LATIN word means ‘to share, to express, to have in common. According to MC FARLAND ,communication is a process of meaningful interaction among human beings ,More specially, it is the process by which meanings are perceived and understandings are reached among human beings. NEWMAN and SUMMER defined …show more content…

2)Channel: letter, fax, phone calls, electronic mail etc. 3)Message: the actual message that is sent . 4)Output: the information the receiver gets. 5)Feedback: the receiver’s response to the message. 6)Brain drain : the possibility of misunderstanding at any step . Encode; in which (sender) thoughts are converted into verbal or non verbal while Decode in which receiver understood by reading , hearing etc MOVIE NAME: "MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN" INTRODUCTION: 2016 American drama film directed by Patricia Riggen and written by Randy Brown.iit is based on a true story. This movie is very stirring and emotionally moving. It really captures the emotions of those who must watch their children in any way. This movie is basically based on religion, faith and belief. God tests their people in different ways just want see how much they have faith on Him. People lost their faith, usually stop praying when they get involve in worst problems. They feel themselves hopeless. Stead of praying, they forget Him and start help from

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