The government has passed many conservation policies to protect animals, eco-systems, plants and trees itself and indigenous people’s way of life, but many of these policies get overlooked and require a lot of extra work. How it affects the rest of the world- This action is permanent, and all of the world is targeted as a potential setting for deforestation. It is predicted that the continuing action may result in very few rainforest across the entire globe. Cutting trees can also be harmful to our ozone layer, which protects earth from dangerous radiation.
Rachelle Black Dr. Vivian Foss English 300 2 May 2016 Deforestation of the Peruvian Amazon: Economic Growth Leads to Environmental Decline Life of any kind is not sustainable without the environment. Likewise, the environment would not exist without life. Animal life and plant life are essential to maintaining a healthy environment because they create stability within the environment’s ecosystems and its natural cycles. Humans have not kept up their obligation to the environment that is so desperately needed.
The lack of protection of forest is leading to erosion, loss of habitats and will inevitably end with a lack of wood as a cheap building material. “deforestation in tropical rainforests adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world’s roads.” ( ) This article even points out that deforestation adds more carbon dioxide to the air than all the cars in the world.
“Rafael Orjuela is a communal leader who lives in Remolinos del Caguan, a village located eight hours by river from the capital of Cartagena del Chaira, a municipality that, according to 2015 official figures, was first among in deforested areas of Colombia. Of the 23,812 hectares of forest cleared in Caqueta, 20% of the total deforested in Colombia, 10,822, were lost mainly due to the expansion of the agricultural frontier. He arrived at Remolinos del Caguan in the early eighties and recalls that the guerrillas who at the time ruled the forests that connect the eastern cordillera with the Amazonian savannas told everyone that coca crops were drastically decreasing, so they had to clear more land. Although deforestation in Caqueta has been a long-term problem, just late last year the Colombian government decided to prioritize deforestation control plans. Rafael Orjuela estimates 20,000 hectares of forest were cleared only in Cartagena del Chaira after FARC 's departure.
‘’The environment is in us, not outside of us. The trees are our lungs, the rivers our bloodstream. We are all interconnected, and what you do to the environment ultimately you do to yourself.’’ - Ian Somerhalder. Ultimately, anything we do to the earth will cause weakness within it, and we’ll chip away at this incredible planet until eventually, it won’t be able to sustain us, the human race. The more we take from the earth due to our greed will cause problems that don’t have easy fixes to them, and deforestation is one of them.
According to Nebel and Wright, “four basic principles are essential for achieving a sustainable ecosystem, the goal of the environmental movement. They are: (1) recycling elements in order to dispose of wastes and replenish nutrients; (2) using solar energy; (3) maintaining the size of consumer populations to prevent overgrazing; and (4) maintaining biodiversity.” An ecological emergency can happen when any of these domains are settled with compromise. While people are destroying the tropical rainforests, they don’t realize that they are destroying 40% of the world’s supply of oxygen. 40 million acres of tropical rainforest are being lost annually to deforestation and humans destroying the Earth.
An estimated eighteen million areas of forest, which is roughly the size of the country of Panama, are lost each year due to deforestation, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Deforestation has multiple detrimental effects on the Earth. Companies are illegally cutting down trees, forcing animals to have no choice but to change the way they live, or the result could be deadly. Also, destroying these precious trees, causes the climate in these areas to dramatically change, and affect the way we live, or survive.
Tackling the numerous environmental health complications has been an essential focus for health prevention specialist alike. One in particular many don 't seem to fully grasp its importance or cease, is Deforestation. To many 's surprise, Deforestation has slowly taken center stage as global concern not only for humans, but, species inhabited within. After all, as a consequence of deforestation, everyone living on the planet gets affected, and displayed in the visual, you can evidently see a groundbreaking image that symbolizes the effects of such hazard. The image exhibited by WWF (The World Wide Fund for Nature) is certainly one that captivates the eye, and does a great job triggering rhetorical devices along the way.
Seventy percent of animals on earth live in forest so their lives and species are being endangered due to deforestation and the loss of trees increases carbon dioxide in the air. Although deforestation is a problem it is shown in document C that the Brazilian government is trying to fix their mistakes. In 1980, 80% of the deforested land was used for agricultural services (cattle ranching, logging, and large and small scale agriculture Doc C.) In ten more years only 60% of the land was used for agricultural services, so this shows the deforestation problem is working on getting
Deforestation is the destruction of native forests around the world. It is happening on most continents but is very bad in the Amazon region of South America. Farmers and foresters are cutting down the trees because most furniture is made from wood and that wood comes from these trees. Kapok is a common type of amazon rainforest tree that produces a very popular wood for making carvings, coffins and dugout canoes. The wood is popular with the native peoples because it is very easy to shape and stain.
The future of this planet must be taken care of and given the opportunity to thrive. In order for this to happen, and for the future of mankind to thrive, deforestation must come to an
I saw the light filtering in from the trees, making them sparkle. The greenest greens I had ever seen were glowing in the trees and underbrush. Then I looked down, and saw the millions of insects swarming in a frenzy like a cloud, the menacing jaguar stared at me, nearly licking his chops, I knew then that I was most likely going to die. Stretching before me was the Amazon Rainforest. This extreme environment, the Amazon, is not an online store, at least not in this case.
The only way the problem can truly be solved is through various strategies put forward by all fronts. These fronts include organisations, institutions and individuals who are aware of the situation and are willing to do what they can to make a change. If these people along with governments and the United Nations work together to educate the world on the importance of the Amazon and the severity of the destruction, we can work together as a unit to stop the damage before it’s too far gone. If people are aware that even their little bit helps and every person contributes in some small way, we are one step closer to saving our precious rainforest from potential life-threatening destruction. Although we’ve lost so much already, it’s never too late to start.
Deforestation is the process of cutting down and destroying trees in a habitat/ecosystem for human advantage, usually profit. Of all the areas on Earth being deforested, the Amazon Rainforest is the largest target. Over 750,000 square kilometers of The Amazon Rainforest have been destroyed across Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and French Guiana. 79% of deforestation of the Amazon takes place in Brazil. Rainforests are cut down for a variety of reasons, mostly for agriculture and profit.
Introduction: Description: Deforestation is defined as the permanent destruction of forests in order to make land available for other uses. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 18 million acres of forest are lost each year. This equals to approximately 36 football fields of forest being cleared each minute. Though deforestation occurs all over the world, it’s the tropical forests which are being particularly targeted. Due to this countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, the Democratic republic of Congo and Thailand have a very