Diogomay In Demba's War

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Demba War is the soft, guileless and tolerant character. He gave in too much to the solicitations of the Imam that he left himself very vulnerable and open to attack. Even in the midst of crisis, he lacked the astuteness and finesse to stage-manage things to his advantage and becomes a victim of the trickery of the crafty Imam. The Imam is an accomplished craftsman in guile and deceit. Using the religious front, he slowly worked his way to the high echelons of power. From hindsight, it is clear that he had in mind the usurpation of power to impose his jihadist reforms. With the demise of Demba War which he orchestrates with the official excuse of ha ving been bitten by a snake, he cleverly consolidates his power and imposes a reign of terror that crushed his enemies into forced conversions. He is a ruthless but tactful character who finally meets his fateful death as he was planning to consolidate it. Diogomay, leading spokesman for the Ceddo, is a very intelligent and patient seeker of reconciliation through dialogue. He is a staunch and fierce defender of the tradition and the freedom of the people which he considered …show more content…

Dakar was the very personification of that curious graft in every expression of her social life. In a dusty and sandy town of extreme poverty and squalor: slums (30), the pitiful condition of university students (32-34), angry and frustrated people in need of the slightest provocation to open up a fight (45-74) and a terribly slow and stagnated system personified in the postman, whose pace was always the same (31, 72), the magical name of “Paris” just seemed the spark on every mind in a mad flight from a poverty that they cannot

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