Democracy: The Most Important Forms Of Democracy

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The word democracy is derived from two Greek word , the first is "Demos" and that means "People" ; the second word , is " Kratos " and it is meaning " rule " , so the democracy, according to its roots in the Greek language , is " rule by people "
According to the dictionary the democracy is defined as ; " it is a type of government or political system ruled by citizens , people who are member of the society ."
So , the democracy provide the citizens with a level of authority and power , also it gave the, the opportunity to participate in the decision making or the political process of their government .
The democracy is essentially based on two principals , which are : the political participation and the political contestation .
The first one , the political participation , is simply meaning that the citizen can participate in the political process by making their opinions and beliefs known and by influencing the outcome of the political process . One of the most important form of political participation , in a democratic system , is " the voting" . According to the dictionary the voting is : " A formal expression of opinion or choice either positive or negative , made by an individual or a body individual ."
So , voting is a way that give the citizens the right and the opportunity to express their opinion , by choosing for example the politicians that will represent them , and by consequence they participate and influence the political process .
The second

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