Happy Birthday: A Short Story

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You hated getting sick, especially during your favorite day ever. Your birthday. You love birthdays ever since your parents threw you your first birthday you could remember. When the clock hits 7:30 you wanted to wake up so bad and get yourself ready for birthday brunch with the team but your sore throat and sore back from the mission made you want you stay in bed all day. You groaned, twist and turning in your bed. “F.R.I.D.A.Y can you tell the team that I’ll be canceling for today’s brunch?” The A.I answered and you thanked her, soon enough the team rushing to your bedroom with concern looks. “Are you okay, Y/N?” Steve asked as he sat down on the edge of your bed. You groaned again, throwing your blanket to the side to face them. “No.” …show more content…

God, you're so bossy." You joked, rolling your eyes at her. Tony has turned the light off and they had light up the candle. Steve whispered you to open your eyes. You opened your eyes, the light was off and there they are, your friends standing in front of you holding out a birthday cake with only a several candles lighting up their faces. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday deaaar Y/N. Happy birthday to you. By the time they were done singing you were already teared up, you couldn't ask for a better friends. "Make a wish, babe." Steve said from beside you, a smile on his face. You grinned at them and make a wish, blowing out the candles before Tony turned the light on again. Wanda placed the cake in the coffee table and hugged you, giving you her birthday present. "I got you something too." Steve said as he get down on his knees and fumbled with his jeans pocket. "Steve..." You gasped, throwing your hand to cover you gaped mouth. "I love you so much and I don't think I want to spend the rest of my day without you. Will you marry me?" "Yes, Steve, yes!" You yelled out a few more yes and giggled. He put the ring on your finger and pulled you into the kiss as the team cheered and you're almost sure Tony had already asked F.R.I.D.A.Y if she recorded the whole thing, just to make

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