Descriptive Essay On A House

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It has been my father’s and i first five days in the O’Grady farmhouse in Ireland. Father wanted to take a break from new york city and move into a more opened space for the summer so we decided to rent a farmhouse and its the best decision that we have made so far. I have been enjoying it so much here in the farmhouse. There 's a beautiful lake beside our farmhouse and a meadow of flowers and the weather is cool and breezy. It 's a paradise! Today Onnie and her little brother, tom are coming over to help us repaint our farmhouse. They live two blocks away from us with their mother Cydney. Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring and I immediately knew it was them. I hopped off the couch and opened the door to see Onnie and Tom at the doorstep while there mother watched them as they came to our house on the sidewalk. Just before we greeted each other there mother yelled “be home before curfew”.
“Come on let 's go and paint the farmhouse” I began. I grabbed my keys and locked the garage door and left to go to the farmhouse. Father and I have been sleeping on a pull out couch in the garage cause we’re still renovating the farmhouse which isn’t that bad for the first few days. We passed the sparkling lake before we got to the farmhouse and it reminded me of “Hi kids” my father greeted us.
“Hello Mr.Phillips we came over to your house to help you and your daughter with painting the farmhouse” Onnie and Tom answered.
“That 's wonderful that you would like to help us of course I

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