Descriptive Essay: An Ocean Away

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An Ocean Away
I look at a fixed point on the horizon, not to still my nausea, but to take my mind off something I’ve been keeping repressed. The spray from the sea water flicks in my eyes making them water, the salty smell of the ocean filling my senses, burning my nose. My boat chops through the waves like a hot knife through butter, azure water pushed aside either side. I hear the powerful flap of seagulls’ wings above me as it searches for its next meal. I pray it's not the only living thing out here in this desolate place. The hot sun beats down on my bare neck, burning my tender skin, but I barely acknowledge it as my mind drifts into a sea of memories.

The last goodbye is always the hardest, and my eyes prickle with tears as I …show more content…

But nowadays he has kids and a wife. He can't just go off gallivanting around the world as he pleases. Why couldn't he just live a content and normal life and leave his dangerous days behind?
But I knew that would never please him. He always has to do something with his life whether it's jumping off cliffs or diving through underwater caverns. It has to have some sort of thrill, some sort of danger, some sort of death-defying aspect to it. The rush of adrenaline that courses through his veins when he completes it. That's just the way he is. He always has to do something big. But someday his boldness is going to get him killed. I remember him holding my hands in his, saying “I’ll get back to you”. I just hope he can keep that promise.

His mother is part of his dream. It's all to avenge her, some sort of ode to her memory. He tells himself it was cancer but in the back of his mind we all know the real truth. She was on a boat by herself for only a few days when it crashed off shore on a few rocks and she drowned. He feels by carrying out this journey he’s keeping her memory alive even if he won't admit to it. Even if this flaw may bring about his downfall. He hasn't kept in touch at all during his voyage and I fear something may have happened to him but I have no way of knowing when he's on the cold,merciless,unforgiving ocean. And the ocean always must find one victim to fill its rage. Now I fear that may have been

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