Descriptive Text Analysis

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2.2 Descriptive Text 2.2.1 The Definition of Descriptive Text Descriptive text or description is a genre of text that presents information that appeal to one or more of the five senses, namely sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, that usually to create an impression and feeling (Mc Whorter, 2010, p.234). Descriptive text can describe about people, animal, characters, places, events, and things in imaginative ways. The important key from descriptions is that this genre of text focuses out attention on the characteristic features of the particular things. Mc Whorter (2010) also explains the characteristic of descriptive text as the following: 1) Description uses sensory details. The use of five senses, namely sight, sound, smell, taste, and …show more content…

And also it can give brief details about when, where, who or what which will be described. 2) Characteristic features: There are the characteristic features of the subject, e.g. physical appearance, qualities, habitual behavior, significant attributes. Each paragraph in descriptive text should describe one topic or one feature of the subject. 3) There may also be some optional evaluation interspersed though the text and an optional concluding comment. 2.2.4 The Grammatical Features of Descriptive Text According to Knapp and Watkins (2005, p.98), grammatical features of describing genre consisted of: 1) When describing things from a technical or factual point of view, the present tense is predominantly used. 2) Relational verbs are used when classifying and describing appearance/qualities, and parts/functions of phenomena (is, are, has, have). 3) Action verbs are used when describing behaviors/uses. 4) In literary and commonsense description, action verbs are used metaphorically to create effect. 5) Mental verbs are used when describing feelings in literary descriptions. 6) Adjectives are used to add extra information to nouns and may be technical, everyday or literary, depending on the …show more content…

In the other words, cooperative learning involves students to learn together in group consists of heterogonous members without care about the students’ personal background (academic achievement level, sex/gender, and ethnicity). Furthermore, cooperative learning is methods in which the students encourages mutual respect and learning with variation of talents, ability, languages, racial, and ethnic backgrounds (Marr, as cited in Cohen, 2004). It can be stated that in cooperative learning, the students do not only learn about the lesson material but also their social skill will increase too. Kagan (2009) explains that cooperative learning is different from both traditional classroom and group work. In traditional classroom, the activity almost consists of teacher center (teacher-fronted lessons), independent work and competition. The students always practice individually, independent to solve problem and interaction is discouraged. The last characteristic of traditional classroom is competitive often occurs, the students try to get the teacher attention by answering teachers’ question. In contrast, cooperative learning needs student-to-student interaction as the learning

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