Destination Attractiveness In Tourism Research

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Destination attractiveness is a relevant topic in tourism research because it has a tremendous influence on tourists’ behaviour (Lee, Huang, &Yeh, 2010), particularly on loyalty (Buhalis, 2000; Chen & Hsu, 2000; Um, Chon, & Ro, 2006). Destination attractiveness has been investigated from two main angles: the supply-side and the demand-side perspectives (Formica &Uysal, 2006; Lee et al., 2010). According to the supply approach, attractiveness is the pull force generated by destination attractions (Formica &Uysal, 2006). On the other hand, in the demand-driven approach, destination attractiveness is based on tourists’ evaluations of destination attributes (Kim, 1998; Um et al., 2006; Kim & Perdue, 2011).
In the past researches, destination attractiveness …show more content…

In ancient times, loyalty was used to enhance control and power but in the 21st century loyalty is considered as an activity which all companies carry out to protect the market shares they have achieved by establishing customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is considered a significant gain in competitive markets (Srivastava, Sherwani, & Fahey, 2000). Loyalty has been described as ‘tourists’ commitment to adestination, expressed in a stable form over a prolonged period(San Martin, Collado, & Rodriguez del Bosque, 2013,p. 327). According to Petrick (2004), loyal tourists are more likelyto visit a destination again in the future and to generate positiveword-of-mouth recommendations. Therefore, identifyingthe predictors of loyalty could enable destinations toallocate scarce resources more efficiently, thus increasingtourists’ intentions of visiting (Prayag& Ryan, 2012).Scholars have adopted a variety of approaches to measureloyalty in tourism (Oppermann, 2000; Yoon &Uysal,2005). In their review of previous research, Prayag andRyan (2012) identified three main approaches to measuringloyalty: (i) behavioural data; (ii) attitudinal data; and (iii) acombination of both. Early studies (Oppermann, 2000;Yoon &Uysal, 2005) used a behavioural approach in whichloyalty implied repeated purchase or experience. Morerecently, scholars have recognized the need to consider theattitudinal component of loyalty (Moutinho, Albayrak, &Caber, 2012;

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