Difference Between Poor And Third World Countries

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Why are LEDC’s are poor and countries on the North are more developed?

What is a development gap? Development gap is a term that is used to define giant differences between LEDC’s, MEDC’s and NIC’s also known as First world countries, Second world countries and Third world countries. We can see that there is a difference between some countries easily by measuring their GNP per capita which is basically countries wealth divided by population to give the average result and by measuring their GDP which is total values of goods and services produced in one year by the country(MRD2014). But there is problems with using it as a development indicator because some countries have regions where there is a lot of rich people and other region in that …show more content…

Another geographical reason for this is that a significant part of the countries in Africa are landlocked and don’t have access to the sea for trade. This means they will not really be able to do anything for tourists for the economy to rise because mostly tourists are attracted by the sea. A good measure of on which part of the gap the country is located is HDI which stands for Human development index. The closer the HDI to 1 the better developed is the country(Pol098). A country can get a higher HDI if it has high life expectancy, education and GDP per capita. The top countries in that were Norway, Japan, Canada and Iceland in which Norway was in top for 13 times, Canada 8 times, Japan 3 times and Iceland 2 times(ClueBot). All of those countries are located on the north and the lowest HDI are countries like …show more content…

For example once the whole of Africa was colonized by Europe as well as India and other few countries and now they are one of the most poorest and undeveloped countries because bigger countries drained everything out from them like resources and people. Whole of Africa is undeveloped as well as India where British constructed their factories. There is exceptions for example Australia that has a good immigration flow and a lot of resources. Countries history also affects its tourism flow that could influence the tertiary section and turn a country into a giant factory or a farm. Also history could change anything for example if Europe was colonized by Germany likely everybody would know German and will have different culture and religion that it had before, this could change country’s development because one of the most undeveloped country’s have a high religious status(The School Of Life) this could be cause by people honking that their life is horrible and just do nothing and wait for magic to give them money. Also for example a lot of countries suffered from the World War 2 and had a lot of people wiped out. This will decrease life expectancy by a lot. History impacts the county’s development strongly and could change America into Liberia and the other way

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