Difference Between Career And Job

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Career And Job, What Is The Difference? In a world where money is necessary to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, an occupation is needed in order to ensure survival and way of life. Procuring an occupation in terms of a job or a career is a form of establishing purpose. A job and a career are often expressed as the same, but contain many differences. A job is a temporary necessity that does not have a huge impact in a person’s life but a career is potent and requires the choice of an individual to commit large amounts of time, training, interest and flexibility. A job is easier to acquire making it a provisional solution to any money difficulties. Therefore, because making money is an issue to many people, they turn toward the more accessible …show more content…

O’Keefe describes the hardships of needing money and getting a job to keep her from starving due to economic difficulties, this emphasizes the temporary solution a job can realize. A job is dispensable and can be managed around a person's way of life, as a result of other jobs opening up and improving, because of this a job does not determine any major life decisions, unlike a career, but can be handled according to distinct needs and skills. When someone is hired for a job the training received is not specific but broad to fit for the whole service and builds upon other skills. Since the skill needed for that job is learned on the way it is seen as temporary. If someone were to quit, the company or association could easily reinstate someone else since the skills required are not definite to a specific person. O'Keeffe expresses how temporary a job is and how it will continue to be due to businesses “ discarding employees like so surplus …show more content…

A job is more of a temporary solution to money needs and can be found more oftenly. While a career requires more long- term effort and willingness to dedicate their life and time in order to succeed in a career. Whether it is a job or a career that is obtained both have different benefits despite sharing some similarities, experience, new knowledge and skills is learned from both, the difference being the amount of time that it takes to gain these things. The differences explained are not definite but describe why they are commonly confused and connected to each other, but also why they are different in many

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