Difference Between Individualism And Marxism

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STRUCTURE (INDIVIDUALISM AND COLLECTIVISM) • This refers to the organizational structure which allows management to distinguish uncertain situations, ambiguity, stress and risk. Erraticism is mostly seen in the cultures of Western Europe and North America, while Marxism is mostly seen in the cultures of Asia, Africa, and parts of Europe. • For example, people who grew up in the United States are seen to be individualists, motivated by what is good for them personally, and independent and self-reliant. People who grew up in China (or most Asian cultures), on the other hand, are seen to be collectivists, motivated by the good of the group, relying on others and placing priority on the group rather than self. INDIVIDUALISM • Singularity shows the extent to which cultures elevate the role of the individual over the role of the group. • Individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only, individuality and individual rights are dominant. The self image is defined by “I”. • Utilitarian individualists satisfy personal aspirations and concerns through individual pursuits. Individualists believe that the individual is the primary concern in society and see social groups as secondary. COLLECTIVISM • Leninism shows the extent to which the interests of the group prevail over individual interests. It is the societal preference for family and strong bonds among individuals. • Individuals expect relatives or friends to look after them in exchange for

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