Difference Between Rich And Wealthy

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These type of people can make money and become wealthy again even if they start from nothing. It 's all about the way a person’s mind works. If your goal is to be rich then that just mean you want a lot of money but if your goal is to be wealthy then that obviously mean you don’t just need money, but also some other goals you want achieve.

Wealthy VS Rich – Duration of Money

Like I mentioned above, it is all about the mindset of a person that describes if he or she is rich or wealthy. Another simple difference is that rich people’s power and money will be gone by the time he is gone. Unlike wealthy people, their money and properties can be passed on to the future generation. The simplest way to say is that a wealthy person will always be wealthy whereas a rich person will only remain rich as long as he lives or maybe less.

If you haven 't noticed that in history, people are considered wealthy if the wealth is passed down to the next generations. Just like now, there are families that are known to have wealthy ancestors and they will continue to be wealthy as along as they keep on having children who can have children and so on.
“The difference between being wealthy and rich is that one has the world at the tip of the finger and the other hold the world in the palm of a hand” – Dale A.

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