Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Mass Communication

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Mass communication is defined as the transfer of message from a source to a wide range of audiences. Meanwhile, mass media (Liversey, 2011) is the use of various channels of communication that involve transmitting of information that could some way, shape or form meaning to large groups of people. Mass media could be grouped into two: (1) traditional mass media; and (2) new mass media. According to Liversey (2011) traditional mass media is a “one-to-many” type of communication which is based on a “one-way” process of transmitting messages. This limits the sources as producers of information, and the receivers as consumers of information. Some forms of media as such include television, newspaper, radio, book, and magazine. On the other hand, new mass media (Liversey, 2011) involves many-to-many and two-way communication process where participants could both be the producers and consumers of information. Some of the advantages of mass media include its wide reach of audiences across distances, and instantaneous delivery of information. However, it also poses disadvantages such as its negative effects on the attitude of audiences through recurrent exposure on negative messages and violent contents. These effects include anxiety, negativity, and stress …show more content…

Although only 1,154 can recall news stories, answers revealed dominant themes on stories such as (1) those involving crime and violence, (2) mental health system failures in terms of lack of funds or services, and (3) disclosures of mental illness by popular people. News stories were recalled mostly from TV followed by newspapers and magazines. Recall of disclosure by prominent individual was associated with beliefs that people with mental sickness are sick and not weak; while recall of news themed with crime and violence were associated with reluctance to seek

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