Advantages And Disadvantage Of Conflictions In Life

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There are many conflictions around our lives and we always need to overcome them. We encounter the conflictions in our work place, family life, personal relationships and more. There are advantages of conflictions and of course disadvantages of conflictions, too. The advantage that when we have a conflict, we must exchange our opinions, therefore, we can see the problem from different perspective. Some disadvantages are that we must fully experience a feeling of discomfort and sometimes we feel difficulty with expressing ourselves.

First, me and one of my co-workers always conflict with our sales deputy manager.
She has been working for our company for more than 15years, so she knows how the job is done and she likes to follow the tradition, but times have changed. She always tends to push her ideas on us. Tradition is not always right and we must modify or change it depending on the times and depending on respective object. Specifically, she wants the clerical staff to write her documents instead of her, as it used to be done, however, times have changed and become more restrictive. Furthermore, compliance rules have been very strict compared to fifteen years ago. Therefore, conflictions occur between younger generations and older …show more content…

Ask "Why?" Four More Times “Working sequentially along one of the answers you generated in Step 3, ask four further "whys" in succession. Frame the question each time in response to the answer you've just recorded, and again record your responses to the right” (5 Whys: Getting to the Root of a Problem Quickly, n.d, para. 14). According to this step, I will ask “why?” four more times such as “Why is there different recognition about compliance rules between sales deputy manager and clerical staff?” “The sales manager does not change her style” “Why?” “Past rule was convenient for her” “Why?” “The tasks which she has to do by herself were less” “Why?” “She could make clerical staff to write her documents instead of her”

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