Arguments Against Dental Hygiene

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There has often been this misleading belief that only kids are affected by dental cavities given that they are the ones who consume large quantities of sweets. However, this misconception has been proven wrong by various researches that have been carried out. For instance, it was discovered that in the years between 2011 and 2012, 91% of adults aged between of 20 to 64 years suffered from either dental cavities or even caries.

We cannot downplay the need for proper dental hygiene in ensuring we have proper dental health. However, there is need to have other alternatives to keeping our mouths in good shape. One of these alternatives is probiotics.

But, do you know what probiotics are?
These are a special kind of bacteria that are found in the body. The body parts they are found include the colon, the stomach as well as the mouth. This may sound alarming. However, the body is known to have different kinds of bacteria. Actually, the ratio of microorganisms to human cells in the body is 1 to 10. All the microorganisms in the body constitute the body microbiome. They all make up a small ecosystem within the human body. The constitution of microbiome within the human body vary from one person to another regardless of how close to each other the individuals may be.

During the formative days in the …show more content…

It is important to know that periodontal disease come as a result of plaque, also known as biofilms being on the tooth as well as gums for a long time. On this list is tartar, which is basically hardened plaque. This disease can be as simple as a gum inflammation or take an extreme form. Previously, it was believed that any bacteria led to development of biofilms. However, it is now being discovered that it is tussle between bad bacteria and any bacteria. Probiotics can play a role in bringing the balance just like it happens in the gut. As we wait for those made for the mouth, it is important to maintain a proper and healthy mouth

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