Radio And Electronic Media Essay

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After the emergence of TV, radio is seen as a second medium (Tacchi, 2000). Previously, radio was a popular medium compared to print media. The functions of radio are to disseminate the information and entertainment to the society. After Malaysia independence until today, individuals relied on the radio for entertainment and information. In addition, radio plays an essential role to educate and persuade society. Radio educates society through multi-platform which are agriculture, fishing, business, public service announcement, and enlighten the society on nation’s developments.
Rapid developments in technological revolution of radio broadcasting is acknowledged as new communication technology. By reason of that, radio broadcasting industry experienced transformation and forced to compete with other mediums (Cordeiro, 2012:492). In other words, radio must compete with TV, interactive media, social media and print media. As a result, …show more content…

But the advent of digital technology took over the print task with the convergence of the Internet. Nowadays, people connect to each other through mobile phones, Internet rather than printed letters. Similarly to radio. Analogue radio cannot allow the projection of super text on the radio screen. But, digital radio allowed the super text and provides information to fulfill listener gratification.
Basic principles of digitalisation usually involved three mechanisms, which are digital studio, digital transmission, and digital receiver (Shiomi & Hatori, 2000). Figure 1.1 shows the digital broadcasting equipment in accordance with the digital principles. Thus, digital operational system involves a computing system and calculation of a digit system (Floyd, 2014). For instance, if the studio is digital, transmission is digital but receiver is analogue, as a result, digital broadcast cannot be

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