Disadvantages Of Fermentation System

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Fermentation tank is the main site of the design since it is the site fort he chemical production of lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria. The fermentation method is very importatn because each fermentation style has its own advantages and disadvantages.pretreated molasses, sulphuric acid, cells and the nutrients enter fermentator and as a product lactic acid is obtained along with the recyled nutrients and the cells.The chemical reaction that takes place in the fermentation tank is the lacic acid fermantation.lactic acid feremntation starts with the glycolysis process which results in 2 ATP production and the conversion of glucose to two acetyl-coA molecules.During this process electron carriers such as NAD are used. Sfter the glucolysis the pathway fort he homoferemntative and the heterofermentative bacteria diverge. Heterofermentative bacteria goes into PK pathway which leads to several different products besides the lactic acid.On the other hande homofermentative bacteria undergoes glycolytic pathway and only produces lactic acid in isomerically pure manner.

The types of fermentation techniques are various fotr the industrial scale lactic acid production. Most commonly used type of fermentors are batch, fed-batch, repeated ferementation and continoud fermentation. Among these types bacth is the most commonly used type of fermentor.However there are several disadvanteages fort he batch process is reported.For example it leads to low cell concentration due to limited

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