Globalization in the past 80 years has connected our world exceptionally well compared to the years before. Just under 80 years ago, when World War II ended, people saw an opportunity to grow together and learn from past mistakes. Globalization has brought the world together which has caused poverty rates to go down, work systems to become stronger leading to more accessibility, and overall life expectancy to increase. Globalization has forever changed the ways of the world and will continue to benefit people by bringing us together to become one substantial world. Globalization has benefited our world involving the decrease in poverty rates.
But you have to look past the benefits to get the whole story of globalization. What about the 10% that's still living in this extreme poverty and still fighting for their lives and their families? As our lives get better and were able to keep buying things that will make our lives easier, theirs will probably continue to get worse. This is because we tend to use other people's struggles to our own advantage if it benefits us. This isn't fully because of globalization, inequality has always existed and it's always going to exist.
INTRODUCTION Globalization has an impact on everyone. From the food people eat and what they wear, those products came from all around the world and is a product of globalization. That globalization is the international integration of ideas, products, and culture. But these products, ideas, and culture could come to a loss though these things are all very beneficial. Although there are times when globalization has costs in terms of deadly viruses is true, but the benefits do outweigh the costs when new ideas are introduced.
Globalization allows the MNCs to freely produce and move goods and services in the international markets worldwide. Globalization had encouraged developing countries to make vital changes through large loans from the World Bank and had persuaded market reforms through the International Management. This led to the removal of tariffs and freeing economies of various developing countries. The developed countries now had the opportunity of investing in the developing nations, producing job opportunities. For example, Swift growth in India and China decreased world poverty.
Introduction Nowadays people can communicate easily. They can share their ideas, their cultures even with people who are not in their countries. They can trade, transporting products around the world in just a few days. This is a big economy where everything related to each other. This is globalization.
The term “Globalization” has been in existence for the past 50 years. It is one of the major causes of the increase in international trade. The Oxford Dictionary defined Globalization as “the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or operate on an international scale”. It is a phenomenon that has been in the front burner for several years. Certain individuals opine that it serves as an advantage for the developing countries to compete in the global market while others were of the opinion that it favors the developed countries by making them richer (Giddens, A. 1999).
Globalization could be described as the mean of making connection with people from other countries to share things such as world views, products, communication and technology as well as ideas and other aspects of culture (Smith & Doyle, 2002). Some drawbacks of globalization in the Caribbean are that other develop countries stifle the Caribbean countries with their own views and depression in one country in the Caribbean can affect other countries that may do trade with it. Some benefits of globalization in the Caribbean are it opens new avenues for trade to larger and more developed countries, consumers have a wider variety of products from which to choose from, more competitive prices, companies get access to a wider market maybe in some developed country and it help for an alliance with other countries that may be good in times of need if one of the Caribbean countries falls into
Although the aim of globalization is to have an open market, to open many job opportunities to many people, it also has its own setbacks. Globalization also fuelled global warming due to many factors such as the transport of materials from one country to another through the use of fossil fuels. In addition to that, industries also increased the emission of greenhouse gases that are the main causes of global warming and climate change. Global warming in turn brought and continues to bring many tragedies like the rise of sea level, storms, climate change, surface heating etc. Those who are in the developing countries that do not have the resources to combat and adapt to these changes will be the ones who will be greatly affected.
Globalization is defined as the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets (Merriam-Webster). It also can be looked at as how organizations have an impact internationally. When money is involved, so are politics. Due to the implementation of globalization around the world, developing economies saw a great increase in exporting cheaper goods, because they were opened to new markets (Collins). While these foreign nations benefited, much of the American population was at a disadvantage.
Globalization has its advantages and disadvantages. The individuals who bolster globalization conceives that globalization could help expel destitution and joblessness. For instance, free exchanges advances monetary development, makes employments, and rises rivalries inside nations. The consummation prompts diminish in the costs. As there is a development of generation, specialists move from place to place to improve their aptitudes.
However , the following are the benefits of globalization. They are as follows. 1. Globalization creates opportunities for the socio economic development among nations or state. 2.
Through globalization, people around the world share information as well as goods and services. As a result of globalization, consumers around the world enjoy a broader selection of products than they would have if they only had access to domestically made products. International trade has stimulated tremendous economic growth across the globe-creating jobs and reducing price. As globalization accelerates change in technology, more jobs are created and as a result more people are employed thus increasing their purchasing power. As the demand of consumers rise, more and more products are produced to suit the needs and wants of the people.
Firstly, globalization only serves the interests of developed countries like the US, European countries, China, Singapore more than developing countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Africa (Is globalisation, n.d.). According to Lianna Amirkhayan (n.d.), the uneven distribution makes a big difference in income between developed and developing countries. The rich countries still maintain their wealth which even double rich, compared to developing countries. Secondly, globalization creates a moving wave among people in developing countries. They move to other countries to find a better chance to work.
Information can be accessed easily and freely through the internet, mobile phones, television and other devices. Globalization has increased the economic right for people worldwide especially in the developed world. There has been an increase in the standard of living of many people hence healthy lifestyles. However in my opinion, globalization has done more harm than good to the people of the world especially people in the developing world.
CALELAO, Kyla Ellen, M. SURVIVING THE CYNICAL EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION IN THE COUNTRY “We were all humans until, race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us, and wealth classified us.” Despite of the great impact of it in the advancement of our country, globalization has been threatening our lives and the worst thing is that we, Filipinos, are not aware of this threat brought by the phenomenon. The widening of the gap between the rich and poor people, a result of globalization, puts the Philippines deeper in the quicksand of poverty and also causes social injustices among men.