Lipid Research Paper

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Lipids are organic molecules that are insoluble in water and can be classified into two major types: one which contains ester linkage and one which does not. Lipids that contain ester linkage like fat and wax can be easily hydrolysed, whereas lipids without ester linkage like cholesterol cannot be hydrolysed. Because of the various characteristics of lipid, it can be used in producing many products. Soap is a form of lipid, by mixing various fat and oils with sodium hydroxide. A soap molecule consists a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail. The hydrophilic head readily dissolves in water whereas the hydrophobic tail will attach to any oil, dirt or grease. The hydrophobic tail is a long hydrocarbon chain and the hydrophilic head is a carboxylate …show more content…

In hard water that contains calcium and magnesium ions, the sodium carboxylates will be converted into insoluble salts called scum. 2CH3(CH2)16COO-Na+(aq) + Ca2+(aq) → [CH3(CH2)16COO-]2Ca2+(s) + 2Na+(aq) Soap will also form insoluble fatty acid when it reacts will acidic solutions. CH3(CH2)16COO-Na+(aq) + HCl(aq) → CH3(CH2)16COOH(s) + Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) The oils that is usually used to manufacture soaps are coconut and tallow oil. These oils are mixed and dried in a vacuum chamber. Afterwards, bleaching earth is added to remove any impurities present. The earth is then disposed properly and the oils are ready for saponification. The purified oil is then mixed with spent lye and sodium hydroxide. The mixture will then separate into 2 layers after being heated. The top layer consists of soap and unreacted oils. The bottom layer which is now rich in glycerine is pumped off and the glycerine will be recovered so that it can be sold. More sodium hydroxide is added to the soap mixture to saponify the remaining oil. Saponification is the process which is responsible for the production of soap. It is in fact base hydrolysis of esters. Triglycerides are hydrolysed to produce glycerol and soap. fat or oil + base → glycerol + salt …show more content…

Handwashing with soap improves hand hygiene and our health. Soap removes fat and dirt which may be nutrients for harmful bacteria and pathogens on our hands thus prevent spread of bacteria on our hands. In recent years, most soaps include antimicrobial ingredients such as triclosan which further reduces the number of bacteria on our hands. As such, it reduces the prevalence of having acute, lethal diseases that are caused by contact from dirty hands. Such diseases can be prevented by merely washing hands with soap. According to a review on handwashing with soap and risk of getting diarrhoea made in 2003, the risk of getting diarrhoea is dramatically reduced by 47 percent by washing hands. By using soap in our daily lives, disease prevention is cost effective and beneficial for

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