Disadvantages Of Multiculturalism In Schools

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The term multicultural is a unique term that simply implies a sense of inclusion of a variety of cultures that are involved in the education process. The term implies that in today’s society there is an acceptance and tolerance in the educational process of all students. An acceptance that transcends race, color, culture, ethnicity or a student’s exceptionality. The term multiculturalism implies that our society is open to providing a quality education for everyone. In theory, this is a great concept, however the reality is quite different. Our schools today remain as segregated as they did during the United States Supreme Court Case of Plessy v. Ferguson of 1896 where the schools were deemed to remain separate but equal. Even with the …show more content…

Neighborhood schools are located in close proximity to where the students live and therefore, the students can walk to the school without need of transportation. The closeness of the schools, provide parents with the opportunity to regularly visit the schools to actively participate in school activities. Parents generally support the teachers and they clearly communicate this allegiance to their children., This parent-teacher allegiance sets the stage for the formation of a partnership in the learning process.
Disadvantages of Neighborhood Schools
The disadvantages of neighborhood schools are that the schools are not always equal with the distribution of current materials and supplies. Some school facilities are becoming worn and in need of major repair. The students are being taught by the teachers with the same views as many of their parents and sometimes do not promote extended student learning or employ current learning strategies. In essence students are being exposed to a substantial educational experience. Most importantly, the students lack any semblance of diversity and may be limited in their view of life outside their neighborhood.
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