Essay On Cultural Exclusion

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(Jaiffer Ali Arackal (PhD Scholar, MMAJAIS, Jamia Millia Islmia, New Delhi))

1. Introduction
Housing is one of the basic human needs which provides security to human beings. Urbanisation results in diversifying of people, culture and language of the cities. City was accounted with anonymity and cosmopolitanism where a primary/ascribed identity (like religious/ethnic) has less/no relevance. City encounters with diversities and process of urbanization is not an equal experience to every dweller. Multiplication of diversities provides cultural and ethnic pluralism in the city. Appearance of diversities (ethnic and cultural) in a space brings different kind of possible situation like …show more content…

Sometimes, it is described as port of entry of migrants. Cultural proximity theory argued that persons of the same ethnic ancestry may choose to live in proximity which maximize social interaction, and help them to maintain norms, values and identity of the group. Social distance theory explains that residential segregation is due to social distance between ethnic groups. Social distance is strengthened through social standing and social class differences . Neighbourhood attainments of minority groups signify the advancement of their life chances and their gradual assimilation with the majority …show more content…

Urban multiculturalism is expressed by music, art, gastronomyand that is extended into institutional development, for instance helping religious minorities establish meeting places, but it is not limited to culture and focus on material developments by extending to the stimulation of small business. An urban space’s hierarchical residential areas is a first sign of unequal social distribution material and cultural resources. It reinforces the social division of the city. The creation of ethnic neighbourhoods with ethnic shops selling native foods and other products led to the development of community structures: ethnic communities in integration neighbourhoods. This, Simon notes, is not the result of a political decision but a powerful combination of socio-economic segregation and ethnic-racial discrimination. Cities struggle between trends of cultural homogenisation and heterogenization. The homogenisation process imposes certain fixed identity on the right to city.Many cities in the world are socially, economically and ethnically fragmented. Some of them are even becoming socially, ethnically and racially ghettoised. In one hand, Intergroup encounters happens in increased number in a city, and they develop can develop and cultural production take place. In the other hand, cities are space of contestation for cultural and material domination between

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