Role Of Food In Hunger Essay

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Does Food Exert a Role More than Just Satiating Your Hunger? Food is a vital source of energy for humans hence the consumption thereof feeds the body and satiates hunger. What role does food play in sustaining the human body? Food does not only satisfy hunger, it also ensures that the body receives the needed vitamins and minerals to sustain the human body. According to the article, “Clarifying Concepts about Macronutrients’ Effects on Satiation and Satiety,” Gerstein, Woodward-Lopez, Evans, Kelsey, & Drewnowski (2004) explain that hunger drives people to search for food hence satiating hunger or the need to consume more food. The authors further argue that besides food exerting a role to satiating hunger, foods are divided into different …show more content…

Obesity occurs when humans consume more calories than the body can burn for energy. The extra calories are converted to fat which is stored in the human body hence leading to people becoming overweight and obese. This then causes obese people to develop certain diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Moreover, food plays an important role in ensuring that the human body is well nourished by providing it with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients are needed for the body to function effectively and efficiently hence food consumed provides the body with these essential elements. Athletes rely on certain foods and supplements to feed their bodies with needed nutrients to perform at their best. However, other are of the opinion that people tend to eat food only to satisfy their hunger hence it being the only role that food plays. In ancient times people were not aware of the nutrient content of food and only consumed food in order to satiate their hunger. Although food satiates hunger, it also plays other roles such as causing obesity when consumed in excess and it sustains the body by releasing essential

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