Dictionary. Com defines lying, as a false statement made with a deliberate intent to deceive; and intentional untruth; a falsehood. I believe lying is only acceptable to protect and care for others. Certain lies are okay, if they are used correctly.
As Ericsson puts it, “We lie. We all do. We exaggerate, we minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people’s feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, we justify lying. . .” (Ericsson, 2004, p. 120). These all exhibit forms of lies that people use every day.
Stephanie Ericsson begins her explorative essay, “The Ways We Lie,” with a personal anecdote of all the lies she fabricated in one day. She told her bank that a deposit was in the mail when it was not, told a client that the traffic had been bad when she was late for other reasons, told her partner that her day was fine when it was really exhausting, and told her friend she was too busy for lunch when she just was not hungry, all in the course of a day. She shifts from talking about herself to talking about everyone, claiming that all people lie, exaggerate, minimize, keep secrets, and tell other lies. But, like herself, most still consider themselves honest people. She describes a week in which she tried to never tell a lie; it was debilitating, she claims.
In the essay "The Way We Lie," Stephanie Ericsson explains a few of the many reasons why we lie, "We avoid confrontation, we spare people's feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets" (1992, p. 159). We want to avoid a big argument or fight that might make matters worse. We lie to protect another from the truth because it might be unbearable. A lie can come out of our mouth without much thought.
Although lying is commonly done, it only distorts reality from the truth; ruining relationships, providing false realities, and ruining identities. In most situations, lying is what ruins trust between a relationship. If one compliments a friend by saying, "I
Lying has not been formally considered morally wrong or right regardless of the severity. Although it’s near impossible to go through a whole day without even stretching the truth once and decide which types of lies are okay or not. Stephanie Ericsson uses strong metaphors and personal experiences in “The Ways We Lie” to justify the use of our everyday lying. This unbiased essay will help readers decide whether it’s okay to lie on a daily basis. Ericsson starts out with saying she told the bank that her deposit was in the mail even though she hadn't written out the check (495).
The Ways We Lie “A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future…” - Anonymous. You lie, I lie, everyone does, but why; don’t people know that in the long run it will only hurt us? People lie all the time, for many different reasons, to keep out of trouble, to get someone else in trouble, to save others, to get something, etc., but all eventually leads to the opposite of what they wanted. One way I personally had an experience with lying and it not turning out the way I wanted was when I told my parents I had no idea where the candy was, but my mom eventually found it in my room and I was busted.
It may make someone life easier for a moment, but overall there could not be good results coming from a lie. Simply because it could hurt others or destroy relationships, make them feel guilty about lying or even hurt someone’s mental state, and it could cause them to lie repeatedly. The first reason that lying is not okay is because, lying can destroy relationships or even hurt others. Most relationships
Everyone has lied during their life for different reasons. A four-year-old will lie about the cookie they stole, or the haircut they obviously just gave themselves. A teenager will say they gave their best effort on their homework when they were really watching Netflix. Both people want to avoid trouble, yet the consequences of getting caught are not life threatening. However, there are periods in history during which people needed to lie to save their lives.
Many people wonder is it wrong to lie or are there some situation where lying is the best option? In the book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon, Mark Haddon shifts Christopher’s outlook on honesty and changed his outlook dramatically. Many people, including Christopher, believe in the statement “honesty is the best policy.” However while Christopher becomes more independent, he realizes that in some situations being dishonest might be the best answer. When his father lies to Christopher, Christopher follows his father’s actions and starts to comprehend when he must lie.
Lying diminishes trust between human beings. If people generally did not tell the truth, life would become very difficult, as nobody could be trusted and nothing a person heard or read could be trusted Everyone would have to find everything out for himself. Lying is bad because it treats those who are lied to as a means to achieve the liar’s purpose, rather than as a valuable end in themselves. Lies are bad for a person's health also, It can cause a person's brain to get used to lying about things and to get in a habit that is not one that a person needs to get
Everyone is told at a young age that lies are bad or that you shouldn’t lie and for children of younger ages that is a great policy to go by. But as life becomes less sheltered, lying becomes more of an everyday occurrence. I constantly find myself lying about little details. Most of the time it’s with people I barely know. I don’t know exactly why I chose to lie, made it that when someone assumes something to be true about myself, I’d rather not embarrass them.
The history of South Korean begins with the surrender of the Japanese at the end of World War II. It was during this time that the peninsula of Korea was divided into two: the northern zone which was occupied by the Soviet Union and the southern zone which was occupied by the United States, causing two separate governments to form within the country. On August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) was formed (South Korea Profile, 2014). Shortly after, on June 25, 1950, the Korean War erupted due to the invasion of South Korea by North Korean troops. United Nations troops, predominately the United States, intervened to help the South Koreans, however, China intervened by sending Chinese troops to help the North Koreans.
Telling the truth isn 't always easy, but sometimes you just have to do it. Every kid grows up thinking Honesty is the best policy, but is it really? As you grow older, it seems that one loses that mindset. It 's not entirely bad or good. There is one thing that everyone must learn to do, that 's knowing when to tell the truth and when not to tell the truth.
Why do we lie? This question isn 't whether we lie or not, because we all do, and if you disagree, you guessed it, you 're lying. This question isn 't about how good it is to sometimes lie or the urgency to, this question is about knowing the right moment to actually tell a lie where it will benefit a relationship. Lying cannot necessarily be great, but there are times when not telling the truth can actually be a good thing. It is in our human nature that we lie, we do this for many different types of reasons; parents to their children, to keep surprises and secrets and lastly, to protect themselves and others.