Controversy Surrounding the Keystone XL Pipeline To build or not to build, this choice will impact the relationship between the US and Canada and determine the level of dependence the US will have on countries that are not so friendly. “TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL Pipeline would transport oil sands crude from Canada and shale oil produced in North Dakota and Montana to a market hub in Nebraska for delivery to Gulf Coast refineries. The pipeline would consist of 875 miles of 36-inch pipe with the capacity to transport 830,000 barrels per day” (Parfomak, Pirog, Luther and Vann 4). The construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline would strengthen the United States economy, provide energy security and have minimal environmental impact. “The Keystone XL project would create $1.1 trillion in private capital investment at no
President Obama. After interviewing with aNebraska news reporter, President Obama addressed that adding the pipeline will accommodate Unites State economy and will produce thousands of jobs, but the health and safety of the American people comes first. No need to build the pipeline that will be a danger to American citizens. The Pipeline will go through the Ogallala aquifer, which supplies one forth of drinking water key sources in Nebraska and the Midwest. Nebraska residents also supports the president and they will choose their children’s safety over a few jobs added if it will harm their kids by drinking potentially hazardous water that would damage their
With rising gas prices and an increasing reliance on nonrenewable resources, finding a reliable source for extracting and transporting oil has become an issue. In 2010, the Keystone Pipeline project was proposed and commissioned by TransCanada. Essentially, this is a pipeline that transports oil sands bitumen across the Canada-US border and into several different reserves in the States. An additional extension to the Keystone Pipeline, the Keystone XL Pipeline, has also been proposed. Several issues arise when considering the consequences of this new proposal, including the potential for oil spills and habitat damage.
Oil has been running the United States of America since before the 1900s. Now, many believe that the use of crude oil is hurtful to the environment and that it should be put to a stop. In 2014, Energy Transfer Partners began construction of a pipeline that would connect North Dakota to Iowa, called the North Dakota Access Pipeline. Since the beginning of the construction, there have been small protests from the local Native American Sioux tribe, but recently the protests have gotten much larger.
Since its construction in 1977, the Trans Alaska Pipeline has transported almost 17 billion barrels of oil, and currently transports about 527,323 barrels a day. It celebrated its 40th Anniversary last year, and, even after all this time, is still facing controversy. The pipeline is highly debated as economically inclined citizens of Alaska are clashing with more environmental types. The Trans Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, signed by President Nixon in 1973, protected the pipeline by banning all legal challenges against the construction of the pipeline. However, this law did not stop the critics of the pipeline from speaking out.
Canada is now known to be a diverse, multicultural, bilingual and inclusive nation largely as a result of his work. Pierre Elliott Trudeau also believed in an equal Canada for all, he is primarily the one to introduce rights and freedoms to the citizens of Canada. While some view Pierre Trudeau as impulsive, for enforcing the War Measures Act, Trudeau enacted this for the protection of Canadian citizens against radical extremist and his actions were more rational than impulsive for the situation that had suddenly occurred. Pierre Trudeau was one of Canada’s greatest Prime Minister’s, who’s impact fundamentally changed the course of the nation by introducing multiculturalism, for introducing the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and for paradoxically upholding democracy by strong action during the October Crisis.
But these people are still knowledgeable on this issue but support the builders of the pipeline. Some people may look at the pipeline project and wonder where there can be any positives, but the people in favor see the number of jobs created and the amount of money profited by it as a superior outcome. These economic benefits include adding around “$156 million in sales and income taxes to state and local governments as well as add 8,000 to 12,000 construction jobs” (Park). With regard to the money raised by taxes for the government, this may be a positive in the economy of the states but not in the economy of the people. Illinois, being the states that the pipeline route ends in, will also be heavily taxed by this project.
The Keystone XL Pipeline and other parts of it that stretches across the U.S and Canada and has good benefits for both countries ; it provides job security, economic stability, and also gives the U.S the opportunity to stop importing oil from foreign countries. The country, like never before, has an oppressive government that doesn’t allow for companies to grow and make The state representatives continuously discuss matters but rarely follow through. The Keystone XL should be the end of that era and be put to good
Today, Canada is seen as a multicultural and peaceful nation that has evolved over the course of history. This great nation would never have been possible without the impact that former Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson left on this country. His achievements and insights profoundly affected and shaped Canada’s nation. First, peacekeeping is an important part of Canada’s heritage and a reflection of its fundamental beliefs that Pearson implemented after dealing with world changing situations and winning a Nobel Prize. Also, his contributions as a liberal leader as well as the flaws and controversy with Diefenbaker did in fact define this country.
The environmental argument is coming from a clash over the fact they are basically stripping the canadian boreal forest, the path of the pipeline extends across major aquifers, and pipelines tend to leak and destroy surrounding environments. In addition ccording to The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions State, “epartment’s draft SEIS found that oil from the Canadian oil sands is 17 percent more carbon-intensive than the average oil consumed in the United States... It is estimated that the U.S. greenhouse gas footprint would increase by 3 million to 21 million metric tons per year, or around 0.04 percent to 0.3 percent of the 2010 levels, if Keystone is built. Fortunately on November 6, 2015, President Barack Obama’s administration rejected the Keystone Pipeline XL after 7 years of dispute. As mentioned in the Wall Street Journal, Obama stated “the project would not have lowered gas prices, improved energy security or made a meaningful long-term contribution to the economy
President Biden believed the pipeline to be a threat to the climate and environment. Originally when the channel was being built, it was mapped out to go through the Sand Hills region of Nebraska, which wasn’t a good idea, since that area has low groundwater. The low groundwater could have led to damaging the drinking water. The Keystone pipeline had a great possibility of transporting 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau was the fifteenth Prime minister of Canada. He had numerous accomplishments that had many advantages to all of Canada which contain the official dialect demonstration of Canada where Trudeau made French and English the official dialects, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, and the progression of laws on premature birth, homosexuality and the legitimization of lotteries. These accomplishments are just a couple of what that Pierre Trudeau accomplished for Canada while his position in Parliament that was fundamental. Pierre Trudeau first drew out the official dialect demonstration of Canada in 1969. He gave the Canadian populace the convictions that Canada ought to have two authority languages, French and English.
Canada is “too afraid” but every country should follow in our footsteps and be proud of their nation while showing good nationalism then all hate would finally be at ease. There are plenty of examples of good and bad Nationalism but we as a country can forget about the past hate and focus on the new peace. Olympics are one of the most popular events that happen in the world and it is just the greatest thing to see all countries (that can afford it) to come together and no hate is around, only pride. The reason why I am picking the Olympics as an example of good nationalism is we are rooting so hard or our team and/or athlete to win and get disappointed if they lose and I ask myself why? I have never even talked to or meet this person nor
Examples of this include decriminalizing homosexual acts, attempting to heal relations with first nation people, and passing “The Charter of Rights and Freedoms”. Inspiring- Few leaders can compare to Trudeau when it comes to being inspiring. He was one of the most powerful speakers this country had ever seen and had countless fans as a result; this phenomenon was even dubbed “Trudeaumania”. In addition, he was voted Canada’s most inspirational figure in a recent online poll.
The events in American history have also affected Canada from a political perspective, which lead to the Democracy that is present today. Another way the U.S. has affected Canada is from a military perspective because Americans are quick to jump to war and Canada has had to help control them which lead to them being peacekeepers. The United States helped mold the Canadian identity by being both a threat and support to the nation; this will continue into the 21st century but Canada will keep it’s unique identity. A country 's culture can be seen as interchangeable with identity; in Canada there is evidence of American culture everywhere.