
Drinking Games: Dangerous To College Students

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Dangerous Games
I. NAME: Soo, J., Lee
II. CLASS: Introduction to Justice Tuesdays/Thursdays 1 to 2:30
III. DATE: October 26, 2017
IV. Article Citation. Zamboanga, B. L., & Tomaso, C. C. (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue on College Drinking Games. American Journal Of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 40(5), 349-352. doi:10.3109/00952990.2014.949728
To begin, the article conveys the message that drinking games are a danger to college students as it influences the player to drink large and, or frequent amounts. The article’s definition of a “drinking game,” would the one’s participation in alcohol-related activities to become intoxicated by rules that promotes the “high-risk” behavior. Moreover, participating in drinking …show more content…

As a freshman in college, it is interesting to compare my thoughts and those of people who studied the topic. It is also an odd thought to correlate “dangerous” and “drinking games” together within my mind, so reading the article offered some insight to statistics and social factors that go along with drinking games. When I think of a drinking game, I do not particular think of how others are possibly feeling in the circumstance or how dangerous the activity could be or become. I think more of the notion of “having fun” rather than the implications that may arise with drinking games. As a matter of fact, I did not know take into consideration the actuality of how much someone could drink due to the drinking in the games being based on rules and social constructs. The author seemed to lack the ideas of peer pressure when around friends, which seem to be something that occurs frequently. The idea may go along with social complexities; however, the article seems to convey social anxiety pertaining to and individual with no outside factors. Moreover, the research is skeptical to me, as you cannot recreate certain scenarios in college parties, especially as many of the students are probably underage. Moreover, the variables in this research seem to be too extensive to measure or create a synopsis. For example, at a monitored party, the individual’s may feel obligated to act a certain way or react to different scenarios in ways that they may not usually act. In contrast, I do agree with the authors that the drinking games could be a problem as some people may not know when to stop. Moreover, I do believe that drinking could be an issue with people due to certain social conflicts that may influence their consumption. The idea of drinking games does not come across as a negative connotation in my mind, but I do see the implications of social and psychological factors. Conclusively,

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