Therefore, this paper will focus on the frequent use by the teenage population, its risks, the law, and the debate on the legalization of
These barriers can be physcological, including not being ready to stop using opioids, not wanting others to find out, stigma, not knowing where to get treatment, and not thinking it would help. They may also be due to financial concerns and or not believing they have the time to devote to treatment (Wu, Blazer, Li, & Woody, 2011). Adolescents are unlikely to assert their need for treatment for prescription opioid misuse themselves and may not receive any treatment until their problem comes to the attention of an adult. This is a problem because the adolescent’s opioid misuse may not receive adult attention unless there are external consequences, such as legal issues (Wu, Blazer, Li, & Woody, 2011). Because of how common prescription opioid misuse is among adolescents living in absent parent or single parent households (Nakawaki & Crano, 2012), many adolescents who misuse prescription opioids may have limited adult support, which may serve as a barrier to
It is normal for youths to experiment with drugs. For a variety of reason juveniles will use drugs at some point in their young adulthood, it is abnormal to completely abstain from drug use. The immense fear of drugs, created by the Drug War, lead to strict laws and policies. Because of the panic and lack of proper study juveniles got caught up in the chaos. Gaudio cites a Justice Policy institute report that states, that by incarcerating youth they are being set back and inhibited from getting and remaining employed, as well ad inhibiting their educational progress (p. 216).
The more common substances are cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. This often leads to lower academia results and increased withdrawal from school. Adolescence is the most important period to enact preventive measures for substance abuse. Prevention and treatment plans are the most prevalent forms of defense in school-aged
According to a recent study, “Around 284 million people aged 15-64 used drugs worldwide in 2020, a 26 per cent increase over the previous decade.” (Hansford, Brian. 2022). With this increase it has gotten particularly much easier for youth to gain access to these illegal substances. Youth are particularly vulnerable as their brains and bodies are still in the development phase. Altering this phase with the use of these dangerous substances will result in major health impacts on the brain and body, resulting in further, more drastic issues later in life.
In fact, teens in our country do not have a deep knowledge of the negative effects of drug use. Without realizing the drug can cause until failed to make rational decisions and is also likely to be fatal, our teenagers addicted to the drugs. The occurrence of drug abuse is influenced by peers. This is because, a friend is someone nearby to adolescents after the family.
As seen through an article that researched the use of marijuana, “Illicit drug use among teens remains high, largely due to the increasing popularity of marijuana. Among twelfth graders, 6.5 percent use marijuana on a daily basis (Drug Abuse). According to the article, the drug proliferated amongst teens due to its popularity and other students would be pressured into using marijuana. For the students that attempted to refuse to take the drug they would face feeling rejected from their peers or they would feel as if they would not be considered “cool”. Many individuals have also begun to use recreational or pharmaceutical drugs as a result of social conformity, which pressures the individual to fit in with everyone else.
The role of family based interventions in the prevention of substance abuse in Adolescents; Over the past few decades, Substance use and abuse among adolescents has continued to be important public health concerns that contribute greatly to morbidity throughout globally. The present essay aimed to investigate the family role in the prevention of substance use in adolescents. For several years, substantial research efforts have been undertaken to understand the epidemiology of substance use and abuse. The knowledge gained from these research studies has been important in understanding and developing effective prevention and treatment approaches. According to various datasets, the prevalence of drug use, alcohol and tobacco increases rapidly
Family as well as peer relationships tend to have an effect on youths’ risk of substance use. Positive family relationships that have good parenting practices tend to have protective effect on youths while negative relationships featuring conflicts and abuse associate with a greater risk of substance use (name, date). Youths with friends who encourage the use of alcohol and cannabis is also a risk factor as adolescence may believe by agreeing with their peers and using substances, their popularity in the group will increase (name,
Drugs such as alcohol have an effect on all users, regardless of their age; however, alcohol has an especially harmful effect on teens since their bodies are still developing. Studies have shown that alcohol has numerous negative effects on a teen’s body and mental health; for example, a study conducted by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention stated that “alcohol consumption affects the brain’s frontal lobes, which is essential for functions such as emotional regulations, planning, and organization” (“Age”). Teens already have high emotions and difficulties planning and organizing; alcohol will only enhance teens’ struggle. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention also found that alcohol consumption at a young age can potentially cause chronic problems such as memory loss, depression, suicidal thoughts, and poor decision making (“Age”). Teens have a difficult enough time making decisions and organizing their lives, but adding alcohol to the mix will only make matters worse; their bodies are still developing, and they are still learning to be adults.
Do you believe rap music is the cause of violence and hostile behavior in teens? Yes, because it persuades them toward a real negative mindset and lifestyle. The influence it posses on teens is extremely huge plus very misleading. Its lyrics paint images of a life filled with drugs along with guns that teens believe in. As a result of rappers being so influential it makes others easily convinced.
Now a days alcohol is one of number one drugs picked by teenagers. Even though most teens drink alcohol to feel socially ease, calm nerves or stress, or simply just to drink; their putting their life at risk. In others words, teens should not be permitted to binge drink in any kind of situation. Underage drinking causes your body to have a long term negative effects. According to the article “Teen Drinking Ups Risk for Liver Disease Later,” there are 493,000 deaths worldwide yearly due to alcohol-related liver cirrhosis.
Substance abuse, also known as Drug abuse, is very prevalent in many countries. A drug is any substance that modifies the body’s normal functioning. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a drug as any substance or product that modifies the behavior of a person for the benefit of the recipient. Substance abuse, on the other hand, is the drug use other than for the intended purpose in a manner that damages the physical functioning of the body. Substance abuse is a rampant problem in the United States.
Addiction is the reliance on a routine. There are many addictive stages. Addiction, as it comes along, becomes a way of life. The persistent use of the substance causes to the user serious physical or psychological problems and dysfunctions in major areas of his or her life. The drug user continues to use substances and the compulsive behavior despite the harmful consequences, and tries to systematically avoid responsibility and reality, while he or she tends to isolate himself/herself from others because of guilt and pain (Angres, & Bettinardi-Angres, 2008).
Causes and Effects of Drug Abuse Substance abuse is a form of substance-related disorder. It refers to the harmful or hazardous use of substances that affects almost every community, including alcohol, tobacco and legal or illegal drugs. Drug abuse is one of the most commonly substance abuse in teenagers. It is a disease that is defined as a destructive pattern of using drugs that can cause significant problems or distress. The most commonly abused drugs among them are marijuana, cocaine, heroin and hallucinogens.