Drugs In Society: Personal Response To Alcohol

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I think that alcohol is not looked at in a negative light because it has become socially acceptable. People will have a drink to unwind, socialize, or to benefit their health. People on television shows and movies are constantly drinking and a popular image of dates on television take place in a bar. Other drugs are illegal so people automatically view them as something bad. It is easier to view something negatively if the risk associated with it is jail time.
I think that the most harmful drug in our society is alcohol because of all of the deaths it causes. Alcohol kills people and people that drive while intoxicated also kill other people who are innocent. Alcohol is also easy to obtain so young kids and teenagers find a way to get ahold of it and they can drink too much because they are trying to be cool.
Drugs contribute to global poverty because people become addicted and will do anything to get their next fix. People can become so addicted that their need for the drug tops their need for a roof over their head or food on the table. Most drugs are also very expensive, so a large chunk of an addict’s money goes to drugs. It is really unfortunate that some people have to suffer in poverty because they have become physically addicted to a substance.

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