Every single year millions of lives are lost to drinking and driving, and as a nation this is a very well respected law with high consequences. In 2014 over 1.1 million people were arrested or convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). In recent studies done by Transport Research Laboratory, the reaction time of a drunk driver is decreased by 12%, and over the past 15 years, accidents have decreased dramatically since 2000 when congress adopted a .08 Blood
“There’s No Benefit to Lowering the Drinking Age” explains, on average about eleven teens die daily as a result of drunk driving (Voas 464). When teens throw a party, alcohol is usually involved. Then once the party is over the kids have to get home somehow and they often drive themselves. When an alcoholic drink is placed in an eighteen-year-old hand decisions are made that harm them and others
In the first article Patrick Ortman talks about how to control drivers that are under the influence of alcohol. Ortman states in the article that “In America each year 16,189 people are killed and another 327,000 are seriously injured simply because someone decided to operate their vehicle under the influence of alcohol” (Ortman, 2000). The utilization of liquor is a prevalent movement for some, the vast majority who beverage guarantee that liquor helps them to unwind, and advances social connection. Alcohol all by itself may not be safe due to the brain changing properties of liquor that are consolidated with the potential speed and mass of a car. The outcomes are too frequently heartbreaking; the quantity of people are either executed or
Drinking while Driving Brad Bulla article “What are the Chances your Child will Ride in the Car with a Drinking Driver” explains how his son, Jedidiah, died. He tells his story of how his son died when Jedidiah went into a car with a friend of his that had been drinking while driving. Jedidiah had many aspirations of what he envisioned himself as after his final year of high school, but he could not reach his aspirations because of the poor decision that he made; his decision of riding with a driver who had been drunk. Jedidiah wanted the driver to quit drinking but the driver did not stop drinking, so Jedidiah took over the car which ended up killing him while the driver that drunk had survived. Brad Bulla incorporates different studies and statistics
These consequences can be from when people think they can drink and drive which lead to automobile accidents or even
Imagine a line of dead and mangled bodies stretching for twenty-five miles- 25,000 corpses. That is the number of victims of drunk driving every year. Many families go through hell because of stupidity from drunk drivers. Every day, 28 people die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver, that’s one death every 51 minutes. In conclusion, drunk driving can kill the ones you love and it should be put to a stop.
Driving while intoxicated, is one of the most dangerous situations someone could put his or herself in. Drunk drivers even put the lives of other people at risk of danger. Bottom line, if you’re going to drink, make sure you have a place to stay for the night, or you have a designated driver. Drunk drivers are disgraces to our society, because they kill thousands of people each year, ruin innocent lives, and cost the United States billions of dollars.
Associations like MADD speak about how the higher MLDA has made the roads safer, but they refuse to admit that it is not the only reason. Before the raising of the MLDA there was a statistic recorded, “Rate of accident and fatalities in the 1980’s decreased less than that of European countries whose legal drinking ages are lower than 21,”( “Drinking Age”). Previously, before the MLDA was raised, traffic incidents relating to alcohol were very scarce; America was a safe place to drive. One factor often forgotten is that, some people are irresponsible and develop bad habits. Therefore someone will always fail to abide by the rules.
Informative Speech Outline: Driving while Intoxicated Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience the dangers of drinking and driving, and how it can affect you and your surroundings. Central Idea: Drinking and driving is extremely dangerous: you are at risk of hurting yourself, become a threat to others around you, you can get into some legal issues if you are stopped by a police officer. Introduction: It’s a Friday!
Swerves into the next lane and hits someone ? We need to crack down on the laws we have in place now, to do that we need zero tolerance from offenders under the influence . Affect harsher penalties, to send the message drunk driving is not ok. Lastly Get rid of the petty laws that let offenders off the hook and enforce the law we have now. Officials need to crack down more on sobriety check-ins, vehicle ignition –interlocks, and arrest and detainment of first time offenders.
However, “90% of drunk driving deaths in the United States were found in the over 21 age group” (Gruenewald). For this reason, drunk driving is not directly correlated with the drinking age. In addition, the percent of drunk driving deaths in the United States has reduced at a slower rate than European countries where they have their legal drinking age at eighteen. This suggest that if lowering the drinking age was a success in Europe, it may also be effective here in the United States to diminish the amount of drunk driving deaths. This is because people that become injured due to alcohol or alcohol poisoning are afraid to report their injuries to the hospital or authorities out of fear of illegal consequences for underage drinking.
Drunk driving is a serious problem that continues to take thousands of deaths each year. Too many innocent lives been lost to drunk driving. A death from drunk driving does not only affect the victim but it affects everyone around them such as family and friends. One night, one drink, one mistake is all it takes for drunk driving to take its toll. There are many solutions to prevent drunk driving, but they will only work if we put them into play.
Drunk driving has decreased over the years and became less of a problem. “Laws making it illegal for someone under age 21 to purchase or possess alcohol have led to an 11 percent drop in alcohol-related traffic deaths among youth. From 1988 to 1995, alcohol-related traffic fatalities for youth ages 15 to 20 fell by 47 percent” (Degutis 3). Since the minimum legal drinking age was changed to 21, the results of drunk driving have lessen. The law is the only thing keeping the old problem from happening
Everyone has heard about drinking and driving and how it will affect your life. You also get told over and over again that you could get in a wreck. Have you ever, though, been told about how the lives of others are affected by people who drink and drive? Alcohol reduces the function of the brain.
Despite the strict sanctions placed to curb it, drunk driving continues to be an unwavering predicament in most states. The number of offenders taken to custody by the police is rising by the day; with matters being made worse by the escalating number of underage drinkers. Many solutions have been put forth in an effort to reduce drunk driving and consequently reduce the number of road carnages. The persistence of the problem however calls for improved solutions. This paper forms a discussion on drunk driving and current prevention strategies; and proposes solutions to the unrelenting problem.