
Dwight Eisenhower Accomplishments

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Life in mid-twentieth century America helped shape the foundation for the country today. Through the hard work of influential leaders such as Ray Kroc and Dwight Eisenhower, the global landscape was forever changed. Perseverance and determination allowed these men to overcome all the obstacles thrown their way to achieve their goal. Ray Kroc said “Perhaps without adversity I might not have been able to persevere later on when my financial burdens were redoubled. I learned how to keep problems from crushing me." Ray Kroc was able to overcome adversity against all odds and became the founder of the most popular restaurant in the world, McDonald’s. Dwight Eisenhower defeated the greatest threat to peace the world has ever seen through careful …show more content…

Eisenhower was named the Supreme Command in Europe during World War II, which gave him complete control over the Allied armies. Eisenhower spent months planning every miniature detail to provide his troops with the greatest chance of success. Dwight however could not control the weather do decide when to launch the D-Day invasion of Normandy. “To succeed, the invasion required a remarkably complex combination of factors, and these would be available only on certain days of each month. June offered only three possible dates: June 5, 6, and 7.” Eisenhower called together a small council of trusted advisors, and decided June 6 would be the day for the invasion. Eisenhower was greatly concerned about sending his troops to their potential deaths; it is why the invasion took so long to planned. The airborne unit was at the greatest risk of death and causalities, and Eisenhower knew that. Right before the airborne units packed up and left, Eisenhower spoke with as many as possible. He wanted the full gravity of the situation to sink in. Eisenhower said, “It’s very hard really to look a solider in the eye when you fear that you are sending him to his death.” The D-Day invasion was successful for the Allies, and they maintained less casualties than predicted. Nations around the world rejoiced after the mission, and Ike’s legend grew immensely. His careful planning and strategy gave way to Allied success on D-Day and eventually ultimate victory in World War

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