Dynamic Assessment Report

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In this section first attempts are made to consider some facts about assessment in general and then brief information about the history, definition and various models of dynamic assessment is provided. Furthermore, formative assessment (FA) and summative assessment(SA) are defined and elaborated.


Brown (2004) stated that assessment is a well-known and occasionally miscomprehended word in the schooling domain. It cannot be reckoned to be a synonym with test. Since test are produced to determine and assess learners’ performance or information at identifiable times. On the other hand, assessment is a proceeding procedure that comprises a way broader realm. To illuminate this all the trainees’ replies, comments can be seen as assessment. …show more content…

Regarding the history of DA several scholars such as (Elliott, 2003; Hamers, Hessels, & Pennings, 1996; Murphy (2011) stated that some acclaimed Lev Vygotsky as the master mind or originator of DA owing to his noteworthy conception of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) inside sociocultural theory, which announces cognitive performance will bring about a better evaluation of competence. Besides, attaining such goal needs mediation so that various consequences could be estimated considering the amount of help a kid takes on a task.
Hence, it can be claimed that the importance of DA lies in the feature or the truth of enhancing the interactive nature of learning as advanced by mediation theory and the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) to the process of assessment. DA quits the conventional approach to assessing learner’s knowledge and abilities in which an individual person such as the trainer partially assesses the learner as incompetent and views assessment as a two-way process involving interaction between both instructors and students. The assessor, therefore, enters into a dialog with the assessed ones in a strive to grasp their present level of presentation and share with them the possible ways in which that level of performance might face with a …show more content…

It is also pointed out that this technique is particularly fruitful when assessment is done individually or one by one due to the fact that mediators can focus their aid to assist learners determine and win out their errors or problems after each item (Sternberg & Gregorenko, 2002).

Formative Assessment

Cizek (2010) asserted that the origins of formative assessment in Scriven (1967) first made up monograph of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). It was also noted that the notion of formative evaluation got broader identification in an effective publication of Benjamin Bloom and his partners titled the Handbook of Formative and Summative Evaluation of Student Learning (Andrade & Cizek, 2010).
Moreover, formative assessment was also defined as “any task or activity which creates feedback (feed forward) for students about their learning” (Iron, 2008, p. 7). Moreover, Moss and Brookhart (2009) compared or spelled out this procedure by making use of a metaphor of ‘wind mill’ to envisage or picture the process of FA and its end results. FA operation was illustrated to assist learners deliberately plus to exploit their mind activities to produce inspiration to learn just similar to a windmill that knowingly uses the force of moving air to create

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