Early 1900s Dbq

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The early 1900’s was the start of industrialization and urbanization in America and society changed into social Darwinism. During this time Americans hopes were to be able to live a stable life and become wealthy. Personal possessions meant a lot to americans which hasn't changed that much in over a century and Americans valuing products that will show off their wealth or make them look good. With the rise of urbanization and jobs coming in the city, more Americans started to become middle class hard workers. This later develop to a social class society trying to be the wealthy class in society. If Americans weren't making enough money to become “the fabulous rich”, They would buy items that will make them look more elegant, stylish, and …show more content…

Apparel production in America became expensive to produce or buy where the cost of clothing increased. In document 1, the advertisement for children's jackets were 85 cents to a $1.50 in the early 1900’s. Nowadays jackets are anywhere from $30 to $1000’s of dollars. Prices of clothing or other goods was not the only thing that changed through out of the century, but advertisements like the 1916 advertisement of the colt revolver that promotes to buy guns to use for safety. Advertisements for promoting guns for safety are hardly advertise in papers unless it’s in a hunting shop catalog todays. With all the gun violence that has been happening frequently in America. There is will probably be no advertisements for guns in the near future. Another big drastic change is wages. From a 1906 advertisement for correspondence school says “an estimated that the average man is worth $2.00 a day”. Today an average american is worth $8 hourly than a day. American’s even make more yearly than it was back in 1906. But there's somethings that have not changed in over a century. Americans till this day still buy products to look better than others, either from the brand name or how much it cost. Many still buy products by the persuasive advertisement of the product. America has changed drastically in prices of products and goods, but have not changed why we are buying certain

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