Examples Of Ecofeminism

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an sensibility. The protagonist’s refusal to wear clothes, eat processed food or use accepted communication patterns implies a rejection of European notions of construction and ordering identity. The means for the protagonist’s spiritual initiation and return to society spell out a threatening female realization of the power residing...” (Mapping 87). The readings of ecofeminism interprets the aspects of female body. The landscapes and its depictions are curved and decay. The narrator compares herself alienated in the society and feels she is different surface. In the patriarchal world, the narrator never wants to live the life of false. As the result, the narrator always finds the identity in nature, and rediscovers herself. When the narrator dives into the lake and surfaces, her vision towards life and power enlightens. The nature helps to refresh and surface into a new and powerful woman. The relationship between nature and women have consoling traces with their emerging and progressive powers. Towards the end of the novel, removing her clothes sses the reflection of her body naked in the mirror. Then she disposes all the man- made objects and throwing the ring brushing up her hair in the constructed system. Then the narrator begins acquiring the knowledge …show more content…

Before surfacing, the narrator feels like being physically and mentally retarted by the male dominating society, and after surfacing she feels change in perception. The association of the feminine principle in her return to the natural world. The society as oppressed and considered the narrator as a victim by act of abortion of child as result of her love affair and she involves in continuous struggles. The thought of ecofeminism and suggestion of culture is illustrated by abortion and is celebrated with the relationship between ecology and women. The narrator is haunted by the memories of her former

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