Edmund Husserl And Hermeneutic Epistemology

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Hermeneutical phenomenology was our topic as a group and this topic is a complex subject compared to the other social theories. As from what I have understood in this topic, hermeneutics is the art of understanding and the theory of interpretation. Hermeneutic phenomenological research is rested on the ground of subjective knowledge. The epistemology of this social theory is grounded on the belief that knowledge is made possible through subjective experience and insights. Furthermore, the ontology of this particular social theory is concerned with reality. Reality is thought of as an individual construct dependent to different situations while applied to hermeneutical phenomenological research. Hereafter, it is based on the belief that realities are multiple. In addition, we tackled on two important people who are important in hermeneutical phenomenology. These people were Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. There is also another important person in the subject of hermeneutics, of which we have failed to include in our presentation and he is Paul Ricoeur.
Edmund Husserl is often referred to as the father of phenomenology. He focused more on epistemological question of the relationship between the knower and the object of the study. During 1927, Edmund Husserl sought a new way to understand reality that could be more comprehensive and more reliable than any that had been proposed up to that point. He published his main work Sein und Zeit (Being and Time). In this book,

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