Education In Indonesia

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Education is a very important process in life, where people at any age fill their thoughts with knowledge in any shape. Even if education is important, people have set different standards in different countries. Indonesia is no exception. Indonesia has a different system of education from time to time. However, several problems arise as education in indonesia progressed. Like problems related to the quality of education include limited access to education, the number of teachers who have not been evenly distributed, as well as the quality of teachers themselves is insufficient. Limited access to education in Indonesia, Etc.
Education system in Indonesia first exists in the era of Hindu-Buddhist civilization, they called it karsyan. Karsyan …show more content…

After Indonesia finally declared its independence in 1945, the surviving education system was fragile and unorganized. In addition there was also shortage of teachers, as most of the teachers had been either Dutch or Japanese. Very few Indonesian themselves have been experienced in managing schools. Eager to address the neglect of focused education on native population, the first government of Indonesia have to completely create a system from scratch and reject the colonial European system. An act is declared in 1945 as Chapter 8, article 131, clause 1 that "every citizen has the right for education". The ministry of education, instruction and culture was founded with its first minister It is also decided that religion deserved a proper place and attention under the new republic, resulting an increasing support for Pesantren and Islamic …show more content…

The latter is the latest 2013 Curriculum 2013. The curriculum is more emphasis on the competence of the competence -based thinking attitudes , skills and knowledge . As for the characteristics of the most basic curriculum in 2013 is demanding and knowledgeable teacher's ability to seek out knowledge as much as possible because students today have been easier to find information freely through the development of technology and information,. Globalization is a huge global force, economic and political force, whose actions affect the lives of big and small countries alike, either positively or negatively.

According to Suyanto (2006 : 15-16 ) era of globalization has a very significant influence on the learning patterns capable of empowering learners. Global demand has changed the paradigm of learning from the traditional learning paradigm to a new learning paradigm . Suyanto described the paradigm of learning as teacher-centered , using a single medium , takes place in an isolated , teacher-student interaction in the form of the provision of information and teaching based on factual or knowledge

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