Essay On Classroom Communication

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I taught a class once which left me with a most memorable experience. My pupils were doing an activity and there was a slight misunderstanding between two pupils. One of them must have misplaced his pen and he was busy going through his stuff and around the room looking for it. His other classmates were starting to be uneasy with his roaming around. Then, he noticed that his seatmate was using his pen. I expected him to get mad and accuse him of stealing but he just caught the attention of his seatmate and said calmly, "I think that's my pen. Can I please have it back?" His classmate answered, "Really? It looked like mine. Sorry for the mix up." In the end, both of them had their own pens and were able to finish the activity without further …show more content…

As teachers, we face almost continual talk at school, supplemented by ample amounts of nonverbal communication—gestures, facial expressions, and other “body language.” Often the talk involves many people at once, or even an entire class, and individuals have to take turns speaking while also listening to others having their turns, or sometimes ignoring the others if a conversation does not concern them. As the teacher, therefore, we find ourselves playing an assortment of roles when communicating in classrooms: master of ceremonies, referee—and of course expert source of knowledge.
Politeness in the classroom is one of the topics that seem almost too obvious to mention; of course, people will be polite in a classroom, just as they’re polite in a place of worship or at a job interview. But, the classroom is a bit different; it has its own rules of politeness.
As a teacher, one of the most important things we can do is lead by example. There’s no point in asking our students to be helpful and polite when we don’t hold the door open for others or we don’t say “Please” and “Thank you.” It’s important to remember, especially for teachers of young children, that our students are watching our every move. They are learning important lessons about how the world works by what they

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