
The Purpose Of An Effective Government System

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An effective government system protects the rights of its people and keeps its citizens safe from harm. The purpose of the government is to protect its citizens by securing the safety of them, and by providing for citizen 's needs. While other concerns, such as the economy and a less intrusive government may be present, a government 's duty is to provide for and protect its citizens. Without people 's concerns for how their needs will be provided or how they will be protected from a threat, the citizens will be able to live with a sense of security.

The purpose of the government should be to provide for its people and to protect them, because the people may not have the individual capacity or resources to provide for themselves, or …show more content…


"the legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves-in their separate, and individual …show more content…

He is arguing for a more active government in the citizens lives, which means a larger government system. This is the best type of government system because the government serves the people. Lincoln isn 't the only president who had these ideas, in fact, former president, Lyndon B. Johnson stated:

"If government is to serve any purpose it is to do for others what they are unable to do for themselves."

His ideas back up those of Lincoln, again stating that a government is to help others that they cannot do for themselves. An example would be a government and their public welfare systems. If a government is small, and has little economic power, then how will they ensure the education and health safety of the public. Another former president, James Madison, who served before Lincoln, also shared a similar perspective about the purpose of the government. He stated,

"The diversity in the faculties of men from which the rights of property originate, is not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity of interests. The protection of these faculties is the first object of

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