Essay On The Impact Of Technology On Education

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Everywhere we go technology is present, and each day it gets more and more advanced in order to cater to the needs of individuals in society. Technology has made an impact on our lives both negatively and positively. Many people perceive technology as doing more harm than good however this is not the case. We as a society cannot continue with the mainstream ways of teaching that were employed in the 19th and 20th century, the world is constantly evolving and so are our children therefore we need to keep up-to-date with the technological advancements. Many teachers would be very welcoming of the use of technology in their classrooms even though it sometimes comes with many mishaps and risks, the outcome would be the schools’ curriculum having …show more content…

Effective action deals physical activity hence being proactive and it deals with improving upon the hands on skills of students, this skill is acquired from an early age so that as years progress students will be able to resolve barriers to problems in the society. Students from all grades will start learning how to cope with real life situations. Students will begin to learn how to begin and develop actual projects for example designing and implementing many projects that will cater to the community, these projects will not only be for profitable reasons it will also be non-profitable to help the society. Effective action keeps improving students’ actions so that the next time will be even more successful. All this will be done with the use of technology which helps in the complete management of these projects. This is important in the 21st century because students not only think logically and critically but in order to solve problems that arise in society but they will know how to handle the problem hands-on. They will have solutions to these problems and know exactly how to enact them and students will find ways of creating a livelihood for both themselves and society by creating employment of their

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