Effects Of Cosmetic Surgery Essay

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Cosmetic surgery is defined as surgery to improve a “normal” appearance, such as reshaping a nose or augmenting of breasts. As cosmetic procedures have become much more universal, advertised in the mass media and the subject of numerous prime time television programs, it has become increasingly difficult for health professionals to agree on when it is appropriate or necessary. Teenage cosmetic surgery gives teenagers the option to alter their bodies and conform to what society deems as acceptable. There are many risks associated with having cosmetic surgery done during teenage years that many teenagers and consenting adult may not be aware off. The psychological effects of cosmetic surgery for teenagers are body dysmorphic disorder, depression and low self esteem.
One of the major psychological effects of cosmetic surgery for teenagers is having dysmorphic disorder. Teens seeking cosmetic surgery report greater dissatisfaction with specific body parts, and increased concern about their general appearance which raises questions about the extent to which they may have body-image related pathology such as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). (Zuckerman & Abraham, 2008). Dysmorphic disorder is when a person is unhappy with their appearance and has a distorted view on what they look like. This usually causes an impairment in …show more content…

Depression is where a person feels despondent and dejected. Suffering from depression can have harmful effect on a person’s life. Teenagers that undergo cosmetic surgery can become depressed if the results they desired are not achieved. Teenagers may not recognize that there are limitations to having cosmetic surgery and the realities of what having a procedure done can and cannot do for them. Having cosmetic surgery can alter a person’s body but it may not produce the desired results which can lead to depression as it may not improve their

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