Effects Of Nationalism In Pakistan

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EFFECTS OF NATIONALISM ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF PAKISTAN 4.1 Role of Nationalism The grid of Pakistani nationalism has been irregular all through past ‘64’ years due to foreign interferences, particularly that of India and USA. The strategy of ‘divide and rule’ by US and others influenced Pakistan and its natives. However, the Pakistani nation and its institutions are now experienced enough and can efficiently respond to this strategy of divide and rule. The present wave of growing nationalism is rising day by day and Pakistani nation will very soon appear as the most closely bonded nation in the world’s community. The nationalism can be used as a tool of economic development. Various studies conducted among public employees revealed that …show more content…

An efficiently working public administration is inescapable apparatus which guarantees that democratically elected leaders are not left unchecked to guard the right of citizens and to mobilize resources and make use of the same for promoting national cause. A consolidated democracy requires the administrative capacity of the State to maintain law and order. Public trust in the political system is amplified where the public service delivery system is efficient, public officials are reachable to local populace, and government agencies and departments work together in well-coordinated, complementary approach. In case of Pakistan, the administration is weak due to existing political wavering as a backdrop of political internal strife, which in turn, has set free the evil of massive corruption in the social order, particularly the unparalleled political corruption has practically halted the economic growth of the state. But rapidly growing nationalism leading to liberty of press and judiciary, non-involvement of armed forces in political affairs and redesigning the country’s foreign policy to deal with emerging strategic issues has, to a greater extent, turned the …show more content…

Any country’s progress is based upon two sectors, those are the public sector and the private sector. Contemporary theories are trying to bring close private and public sectors through various means. The main variation between the private and public sector is that of ownership. In case of private sector, people have sense of responsibility, oneness and ownership, the proceedings will be non-imposed and the non-imposed actions have encouraging outcome, because in such a case control is not required. Everyone will work at his level best and confer the utmost yield. In case of public sector however, if one does not have feelings of nationalism, there is no ownership. The responsibility turns into weariness and the output will be much decreased. Nationalistic feelings create the sense of ownership with one’s country. As a matter of fact growing Nationalism has turned out to be a workable instrument for effective administration to deal with political and strategic challenges. A survey was conducted in 2012 (Mujahid Hussain, 2012) revealed that as a substitute of material inducements nationalist motivation can fabricate the dedication of the people more efficiently. The answer to question (do you prefer national interest over personal interest or not?) was 100% yes. This is sufficient evidence that if someone is nationalistic, he will be more devoted and the productivity will be much

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