Organic Food Research Paper

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P.Madhan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Sikkim Manipal University.

The intention of customers to purchase organic foods has been an interesting study area and number of researchers has conducted numerous studies in understanding what influences people to purchase organic food products. However, results of these study were contradictory.Hence this research study was conducted to overcome this research gap. The primary objective of this study was to identify the variables which affecting the consumer attitude to buy organic food which in turnaffects the purchasing intention.Thisresearchhasadapteddescriptiveresearchintheformof crosssectionaldesign.A …show more content…

Personal Norms:
Schwartz (1973) defined personal norms as an individual’s beliefs that acting or behaving in a certain way is right or wrong. Studies suggest that personal norms have a strong impact on consumer choice between organic and non-organic food, also influence on their attitude. In other words, consumer attitude towards an object is deemed to be influenced by consumer self-beliefs (Thøgersen, 2002). Based on these arguments, the third hypothesis is proposed below:
H3: Personal norms of consumers has a positive effect on consumer attitude towards organic food purchase.

Subjective Norms:
Subjective norms are defined as the social pressure for an individual to engage orcomply with a group behavior such as family and friends. These norms are normative beliefs and expectation that the groups or important referents have on this person (Ajzen, 1991). In relation to attitude, Tarkianien and Sundqvist (2005) concluded that subjective norms have a positive influence on consumer attitude towards organic food. It is aligned with the study by Bamberg et al. (2007), who claimed an indirect effect ofsocial norms on consumer attitude. The influence caused by groups of people in society or people who close to consumers. Which may amplify the factors that influence on the people around them or people who’re belief that he should doing behaviors. This factor will be a result in a consumer feeling wanted to do as much. Which is stimulated more if people in society believe in the same thing (Bearden, Netemeyer, & Teel, 1989). Considering the elaboration above, the fourth hypothesis is proposed

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