Effects Of Reconstruction To The Roaring 20s

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Mia Edwards Professor Gordon History 102 7 March 2023 From the Edge of Reconstruction to the Roaring ’20s Ever since the edge of Reconstruction America has been expanding and changing in many ways, America was impacted by people, developments, and events that went on from the 18th century to the early 20th century. In the early 18th century Agriculture products became in high demand and heavily impacted American Society. From 1870 through 1920 industrialization impacted many American citizens' ways of life by bringing in new means of work and more immigration into the states. At the beginning of the 20th century, progressivism helped play a role in the rapid urbanization happening across America. Leading up to World …show more content…

Yet, it wasn't until the late 19th Century that the tobacco industry started to take off. With the help of his family, during the later stages of the industrial revolution, James B. Duke developed the Cigarette Machine in 1880, and by the 1890s his company produced more than 90 percent of the nation’s Pre-rolled tobacco products. James B. Duke’s tobacco Company wasn’t the only industry that grew in the South; however, Many natural resources, such as steel, coal, and iron ore became a big part of the nation's growing infrastructure (Section Script 1). In the heart of the South, otherwise known as Birmingham, Alabama became the city of such natural resources and it eventually became known as a place filled with side businesses of mining that produced industrial jobs for miners and blacksmiths. The rise in industrialization led to American citizens having new opportunities like never seen before and businesses all across America started to …show more content…

With its growth in world affairs, world war 1 was bound to happen. The war drastically changed America in numerous ways. In 1920 women could vote, people had more interest in the future, and jazz was the new music (Section 5 script). But it also negatively impacted America through the Red Scare. In 1917 Russia had the Bolshevik Revolution and the country went under the control of Communists. As the American economy started to settle down after the war, strikes still broke out as is usual after wars. However, the strikes were extremely violent and vigilante groups started to attack or lynched a lot of workers (Section 5 script). At the worst part of the Red Scare, packages were sent to government officials' homes with bombs. General A Mitchell Palmer's housekeeper was a victim of one of the bombs. President Wilson permitted him permission to go after the communist behind the Red Scare. With the help of the FBI, or Federal Bureau of Investigation the radicals were put under surveillance and a lot of Russians who were not American citizens were sent back to Russia. During the Red Scare, one of the deadliest terrorist attacks against the US happened. In 1920a wagon filled with explosives blew up in New York's financial district, killing 38 people and injuring 150 others (Section 5 script). With all that going on America’s defenses got better and the FBI became more