Social Condition In Social Media Analysis

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Implications of Sedition in Social Media
Social media as we know is the medium where all the communities around the world used the medium as their communication with each other. This development of communication actually was bringing many benefits to us especially in interaction without having physical communication. There are some implications of social media towards society like a false sense of connection which is, online networking destinations can make it more troublesome for us to recognize the significant connections we encourage in this present reality, and the various easygoing connections framed through social networking. By concentrating such an extensive amount our time and psychic vitality on these less significant connections, …show more content…

So this will produce the situation which is the teenager is defame the person without strong evidence and when this words or information has been distribute, this action also will be related to the sedition act because of distribution of information can be define as a slanders. Malaysia can't bear to practice the right to speak freely as honed in the West without obligation. Keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee agreement among different races and upgrade political strength, the rights to discourse and expression are limitation by Article 63 (4) and 10 (an) of the Federal Constitution. Hence, Sedition Act 1948 should stay to improve the harmony among several races strengthen further to make Malaysia a peaceable country to …show more content…

For the example, when there is no prevention about distributing information like in social media or any medium transferring information, this can produce hatred perception between persons or group of person on ground of religion hatred between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia. These issues happen actually when there is seditious publication by electronic medium like using of social media. This type of medium is very broadly use by our society not only to interact with each other but also happen issues where using this medium as a tool or medium in distributing false information or making slander to others person without have strong evidence.
In short, the sedition act is very useful especially to the country that have different types of races because according to the report, country that have many races are more exposed in having troublesome like racism action. So with this act, society will be more care about the action in distributing information and also the action will be fine if there are any published, sold, distribute or reproduced without authority where the publication had a seditious tendency. In another word, the person will be guilty and an action will be charge according what is the fine that is stated in this

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