Essay On Bad Effects Of Technology

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Majority agree that technology is the use of knowledge, tools, products and resources to help people deal with problems. It is also defined as all the processes, methods and systems employed in the creation of goods or in providing services. In other terms, technology is the way people do things. It is the way people achieve objectives. It depends on a combination of people, ideas and the tools used. It actually involves both thinking and doing. Technology is challenging but, exciting and fun. The effects of technology are not always the best for society or the environment. Some advancement in technology has caused problems such as the loss of social life. Upgrading technology is the solution to these kinds of problems such as The social media, …show more content…

It made people’s lives easier but it can also make life more complicated. However, technology does us more good than harm. It makes people’s lives complicated because it contributed to negative factors. Technology has and will change the lives of people for the better or for the worse (Deleo,2008). According to Thode, “Technology has improved things and made others possible. For instance, before low cost calculators were available, people use slide rules and expensive adding machines to do complex mathematic problems” (p.67). In addition, technology has also changed the way people buy things, for example, the use of ATMs instead of cash payment. Technology is capable of contributing a good life but it has its limits and consequences if it is used too much (Spence,2011). One consequence of abusing technology is the loss of social life, interacting with other people personally and chatting through Facebook are two different communication skills. One disadvantage is that others can be confident enough to mingle in social media but not in the real world. It is better if people practice their communication skills through interacting in person in order to increase their confidence and self

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