Waste Management Of Karpz Essay

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Modern languages Division
Topic: Waste management and environment of Karpaz
Prepared by
Name: Hamza Bin Sajid/Syed
Student No: 137822
Group No: 01

This report is about waste management approaches that are used in Cyprus and ways that it can help in the development of Karapz a historic city. Waste management is a way of managing the solid waste including the municipal waste i.e disposing, dumping, recycling this waste product are then take cared o for the benefits of the people, there are many ways of removing the waste product The purpose of this report is to raise awareness about the harms and the factors that effects the development of karpazz and the T.RNC itself for that I’ll be discussing about the type of system that is used by Cyprus for the management of waste. Then this report describes about the hazardous environmental impact on uncontrolled dumping at the dikmens dump …show more content…

Taken 11th of January 2015

Development of Karpaz
Development of karpaz is a very broad topic as Karpaz is a city where it is made sure that the necessary steps for the protection of habitats of species are taken into consideration. So development of Karpaz cannot be related with the development of other cities of Cyprus. Development of Karpaz usually involves growing natural beauties such as trees etc.
Environment of Karpaz:

As discussed above the environment of the city of Karpaz is a very ecofriendly environment and is a home to many types of living species and authorities responsible for karpaz keep into consideration regarding the factors one must provide for securing the habitats if the species. Environment of karpas being eco friendly is a major attraction for the tourists and peace loving people thus environment of Karpaz plays a huge role in the economy of the Northren Cyprus. An Orange tree in Karpaz a city of Northern Cyprus. Taken 11th of January

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