Essay On Egg Cookery

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• To gain the knowledge about the methods to assess the quality of the egg
• To learn the changes happen during egg cookery
• To learn the egg recipes.
The egg quality cannot be judged only externally. The size of the egg and egg quality is not related , in spite of the fact that larger eggs are considered to of higher quality than the smaller ones. Six classes of egg size have been identified by the USDA although only first three is normally seen in the retail shops. The size of the egg given by USDA is as follows:
Class Weight/egg Weight/dozen(oz)
Jumbo 71 30
Extra Large 64 27
Large 57 24
Medium 50 21
Small 43 18
Peewee 35 15
The deteriorative changes in egg shell will not be the same as the grading of the eggs , because quality starts declining continuously as soon as the egg is laid. Normally the extent of changes in the eggs depends on the condition in which the egg is stored, but the changes are quite predictable and clearly visible whether viewed internally or externally. The air cell starts forming as soon as the egg is laid. The air cell is formed at the larger end between inner …show more content…

It is convenient to use dried egg as it can be stored for longer period. Dried egg products, which are available in the market, are whole egg solids, yolk solids, fortified whole egg solids with varying proportions of yolks and whites. Spray dried egg whites can impair whipping characteristics, colour and flavor. During the time of fermentation by bacteria or yeast, glucose can be removed from the whites prior to drying method, thus eliminating the negative effect of this sugar on the dried egg whites. If the glucose remains in the dried egg whites, it causes browning due to Millard reaction during the storage. Dried egg, which has already undergone fermentation prior to drying, can be effectively used for the products, which requires

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